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Dear Submitters To The Covenant Of ALLAH With "Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with descendents who would be transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"


You are in the 3rd page of "Hikmah" from ALLAH (10/26/2019)

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You are going to read some new information from ALLAH called "Hikmah" that you never ever heard before

Remember, you must have a "Pure Heart", or "Ghalb Motahhar" and you must have reached the stage of "Certainty", "Yagheen" in order to receive and understand these "Hikmah" and those are the ones who are able to touch the fabric of the Arabic Quran by the will of ALLAH

Dear "Descendent Who Would Be Transported By ALLAH", we used to be light years ahead of other people, but now with these ultimate "Hikmah" all of sudden we are millions of light years ahead of the whole world.

I would like to suggest to you that from now on open the Arabic Quran knowing that you are one of the "Submitters To The Bani Esra Eil" or "Descendent Who Would Be Transported By ALLAH". Try very hard to delete whatever you have learned or heard about religion in the past, and then start reading the Arabic Quran like you have never read it before.

Then, you would realize that you are one of those whom ALLAH has blessed, and Preferred and Exalted over all of the creatures in the universes. And when you obey ALLAH's prophet, the Arabic Quran, you would be with those whom ALLAH has blessed them amongst prophets, saints, martyrs, and righteous ones, whom they are your best friends. That is why ALLAH created all of these universes, only to redeem few of His righteous servants.

Then, you would find yourself in a place that no man has touched before, and that will make you cry very hard with lots of joy and happiness.

And remember ALLAH is the One Who is Guiding you to His Only One Religion.


Dear Submitters To The Covenant Of ALLAH With "Bani Esra Eil"

Thank the Almighty ALLAH for His "Ultimate Hikmah"

Please Watch These Two Tapes First In Order To Find Out About The History Of These Past 30 Years In Order To Find Out That Why And How ALLAH Is Sending Me These Awesome "Hikmah" Which No One Has Heard Before

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

You may listen

Here is a new Awesome Gift of "Hikmah" which we have been waiting for it ever since 1450 years ago (10/26/2019)

Thank ALLAH for making us "Pure Hearted", "Motahhar" also made us to be one of those who has reached "Certainty", "Yagheen" so He could drop on us these awesome "Hikmah" every once in a while.

*That is how, Allah wants to Purify His Only One Religion*

Thank ALLAH for His awesome Mathematical Miracles. Now, we have the Scientifically Proven Arabic Quran based on mathematics, the exact science. The Almighty Creator has been sending us awesome mathematical signs through two American scientists and as a result we have now 1500 pages of scientific reports based on mathematics available to prove these awesome signs. In away Mathematics is generating the Arabic Quran. There are about 5 million websites and YouTube videos about these awesome miracles.

There is a "Washington Prayer Breakfast" sponsored by "The Family" an extremist, Christian religious Cult, which started 80 years ago, and all the US presidents were the member of this "Family". You may want to check those videos on "The Family".

That is why US government agenda has not allowed those media to talk about these awesome signs of Allah within the past 45 years.

Yet, news media shows a cat being save from a tree.

In the Arabic Quran ALLAH says,

"Give from My provisions given to you to the needy people".

ALLAH calls it "Zakat" which comes from the root word, "Za Ky Ya", meaning "Pure" and "Clean", "Not Polluted". This word "Zakat" has been repeated 32 times in the Arabic Quran. That means the Provisions and the Money that we receive daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly is "Polluted" and it is "Unclean" and we must "Cleans" it by paying our "Obligatory Zakat Charity" in order to make our money "Pure" and "Clean". That is why it is also called the "Cleansing Charity".

The consequences of not paying our "Zakat charity" would result a life with so many accidents, lack of health, losing money, and so many other kinds of disasters.

Now we find a few different words referring to the "Zakat Charity" in the Arabic Quran.

1- The word "Zakat" comes from the root word "Zakou" meaning "Cleansing" or "Cleansing Charity" or "Obligatory Charity". This word repeated 32 times in the entire Arabic Quran.

2- There is another word called "Na Fa Gha" or "Enfagh" meaning "Spending" and "Contributions". This word repeated about 97 times.

Let me remind you that in sura (35:29) ALLAH used this word of "Anfaghou" meaning "Spend" instead of "Zakat". You see, ALLAH normally uses these words of "Salat and Zakat" together. But, in this verse He used "Anfaghou" in order to show us that "Zakat" means to "Spend", "Give", and "Contribute".

3- There is the word "Sa Da Gha" or "Sadaghaat" meaning "Charities" which has been repeated many times. And in sura (9:60) ALLAH used the word "Sadaghaat" in order to show us that "Sadaghaat" is another form of "Zakat Charity".

Let me tell you that those who call themselves as "Yahoud" meaning so called (Jews) and "Nasara" so called (Christians) have the same wording in Hebrew and they call it "Sadiq", meaning doing "Righteous" and in the Arabic language is called "Sa Da Gha".

And they have another word called "Tithing" which is 10% of their income to support those in need but, they just give it to those Synagogues and Churches. Yet, they see those homeless people in their neighborhood every single day.

4- Also you might consider the word "Khayrat", comes from the root word "Kh Ya Ra", meaning, "Doing Good Things" as well, like Giving Away Foods to Needy People.

5- ALLAH used another word for "Zakat Charity", and that is to "Give The Right" of relatives, poor people and aliens and so on.

Please pay attention this part is very important because, ALLAH used the word "Give The 'Right' ", in Arabic language is, "Aata Daa Al Ghoraba Haghahoo", "Give the Right of Relatives" .

That means 10% of what you earn IS NOT YOUR 'RIGHT' yet, it is the "Right" of those who deserve "Zakat Charity" and you should give them their "Rights", so DO NOT Steal from them because, you will pay it one way or another. You may check these verses yourself: (17:26) (30:38) (70:24) (16:90).

Now, who is deserving the "Zakat Charity", or who should we give our "Obligatory Charities" to? From several verses in the Arabic Quran ALLAH specified the group and persons that we must give our charities to. Here we go:

Whatever Charity you spend is for Parents, Relatives, Fatherless children, Needy people, Aliens, the ones who made a covenant with you in order for you to be responsible for them or in Arabic language "Mamalkat Aymanukum". Then, the Needy people, the beggars, Homeless people, who are living on soil or dust, or those who ask for help. Also give for freeing slaves, or near neighbor who is a relative and the neighbor who is farther away or a friend who is near you or you pay in the cause of ALLAH or give to Debtors, Or to those who employed in order to collect Zakat Charities or spend in order for bringing hearts together, and making people makeup and reconcile.

Just make sure do not spend wastefully or extravagantly.

Unfortunately, these days, we have in our societies those who spend in the cause of dogs and cats, or they donate money to cancer societies, or educations, or aids and Alzheimer.

Remember, these are not consider as "Zakat Charities". These are the people who have been fooled and enticed by shaytan. shaytan has a permission from ALLAH to share with these kind of people's money and their children, (17:64).

That is why for example in USA you would not find any astray dogs or cats in the streets but, there are a million homeless people sleeping in the streets and many people hate them and most of them they do not even care about homeless people. This is how a society like USA, becomes unappreciative and a Godless nation. But, do you know why? Here is the reason:

Those wicked preachers and rabbis changed those verses in those scriptures and instead of paying their charity,

"In the cause of ALLAH" to those mentioned above,

They changed it to:

"Pay your 10% Charities to those Churches and Synagogues".

Can you believe that? This is sick. Yet, no one cares and no one says anything. That is why so called the Bible Belt Area in USA is getting hit by more than a 1000 tornados every single year plus, hurricanes, floods and fires and no one cares.

You would never ever find in the Arabic Quran the amount of "Zakat Charity" that one should pay.

Why is it? How come ALLAH did not mention anything about the amount of "Obligatory Charity Zakat" in the Arabic Quran?

No matter how many years or how many times we read the Arabic Quran with our "Purified Heart", "Ghalb Motahhar" given by ALLAH. Then, again He shows us a new "Hikmah" which we never noticed it before.

Now, let me first take you to The Most Powerful Night in the History of Human Beings, "The Night of Power", sura 97 "Al Ghaddr".

Just imagine, ALLAH ordered many "Angels" and "The Holy Rooh" to come down on earth in an Extremely Powerful Night in order to take up the soul of a 40 years old astray man called Mohammad to "The Farthest Place of Prostration", "Masjid Al Aghsaw" in the High Heaven.

Stars were falling down like rains, when they were all climbing up towards the High Heaven because, of the unimaginable speed. Until they all got to "The Farthest Place of Prostration" in the High Heaven, where The Eternal Paradise is located.

Meanwhile, ALLAH "The Possessor of Strength" came down from The Highest Part of Horizon, until He got as close to Mohammad as a distance of two bows.

The mind could not deny what Mohammad saw. Are you doubting what he saw? Mohammad saw ALLAH in another Dimension, at The Ultimate Point. The eyes did not waver nor transgressed. Mohammad saw great signs of his Lord.

Then, ALLAH downloaded the whole Arabic Quran into Mohammad's heart while he was looking at ALLAH.

It was peaceful until the advent of the dawn, when Mohammad's soul were brought back to the earth and placed it back into his physical body. ALLAH be Glorified.

What a Powerful Night it was. Then later on "The Holy Rooh", or "Rooh Moghaddas" was getting verses of the Arabic Quran from Mohammad's heart and Reading them into his brain, which it calls "Vahhy", or "Revealing".

I was reading the Arabic Quran in the Order Revelations ALLAH Revealed to Prophet Mohammad. On the first page and the first Sura Revealed to Prophet Mohammad, Sura 96 "Al Alagh", or "The Embryo" ALLAH showed us the word "Salat", "Contact Prayer" in verse (96:9-10).

And then in the 3rd Sura Revealed to Prophet Mohammad, Sura 74 "Cloaked", or "Al-Muzzammil" ALLAH mentioned "Salat" and "Zakat Charity" in verse (73:20).

Remember, these verses have been mentioned in only on the first couple of pages of the Arabic Quran revealed to Prophet Mohammad.

Here, are couple of verses from 2 small suras revealed to Prophet Mohammad. sura 1, and sura 3 :

"Have you seen the one who enjoins (96:9)

"Others from Praying "Salat"? (96:10)

". . . . and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), give the Obligatory Charity (Zakat) . . . ." (73:20)

In those first couple of pages of Revelations ALLAH Commanded Prophet Mohammad to Perform 5 daily "Salat" Prayers and

* Pay "10%" of his net income for "Zakat Charity" *

That means "Salat" Prayers and "Zakat Charity" have been performing already by those "Parties" of "Yahoud" meaning so called (Jews) and "Nasara" meaning so called (Christians) and these two Religious Duties were Intact at that time.

Sobhan ALLAH! This is an Awesome News

And the most important part is that in both "Enjeel" and "Toraat" we read that "Zakat Charity" should be

*10%* of your net income!

That is why ALLAH never mentioned the amount of "Zakat Charity" in the Arabic Quran because, He has already told us about it in His two older Scriptures.

That is why Prophet Mohammad never did ask ALLAH that, what was "Salat" and what was "Zakat Charity"?

Because he was a 40 years old educated man, since he was brought up in an important and wealthy family at the time. That is why the Arabic Quran says, that Mohammad wrote the Arabic Quran with his own right hand (69:44-48).

Prophet Mohammad had already knew from those two existing "Parties", or "Al Ahzzab" meaning so called (Jews) and (Christians) about the "Salat" and "Zakat Charity". Remember these information are in the first only couple of pages of the Arabic Quran Revealed to Prophet Mohammad. ALLAH be Glorified.

We should all Fall Prostrate to this Awesome Star new "Hikmah" from ALLAH the Hakim.

ALLAH Never Leaves His Devoted Servants Alone, Sobhan ALLAH!

This was an Awesome "Knowledge" and "Hikmah" from ALLAH.

I have been waiting for this "Hikmah" ever since 9 years ago.

Thank ALLAH I have been paying 10% for my "Zakat Charity" ever since 9 years ago because, ALLAH says, that we should believe in His scriptures. And when we DO NOT find the amount of "Zakat Charity" in the Arabic Quran then, we look for it in the "Toraat" and the "Enjeal" and we find out that it should be 10%.

*These verses were added later*

"O you who believe, you shall believe in ALLAH and His messenger, and the scripture He has revealed through His messenger, and the scripture He has revealed before that. Anyone who refuses to believe in ALLAH, and His angels, and His scriptures, and His messengers, and the Last Day, has indeed strayed far astray." (4:136)

"As for those among them who are well founded in knowledge, and the believers, they believe in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you. They are observers of the Contact Prayers (Salat), and givers of the obligatory charity (Zakat); they are believers in God and the Last Day. We grant these a great recompense." (4:162)


Do Not let those illiterate mullahs, preachers, and rabbis rape your heart and soul.

Those mullahs came up with only 2.5% for your "Zakat Charity" just from the seat of their pants, Do Not let them to make you steal 7.5% from ALLAH, or those preachers and rabbis tell you pay 10% of your net income to those churches and synagogues instead of paying in the cause of ALLAH.

That is why we have millions of Homeless people all around the world yet, those so called religious leaders are getting rich every day.

Do you think that ALLAH told "Moosaw" or "Yahoud" (Jews) and "E-Saw" son of Maryam or "Nasara" (Christians) that you guys pay 1o% for your "Zakat Charity" and then told "Mohammad" and those so called (Muslims) that you guys pay only 2.5% because "Mohammad" was a good looking man? ALLAH never goes against His Rules.

"Zakat Charity" was always 10% from the time of two sons of "Awedam" which it was accepted from one of them and not from the other one because, he was not a righteous man.

Please remember that I Did Not discover this truth and fact yet, ALLAH allowed this awesome "Hikmah" to be receive by one of His servants at this specific time and specific place. Discoveries, Inventions, Art, Science and findings are all inspirations from ALLAH to humans at the right time and place as He wishes and they are not those that we think our brain is creating.

Also remember, that the only way you would understand these "Hikmah" from ALLAH is that you must have a "Pure Heart", "Ghalb Motahhar", and "Ghalb Saleem", "Submitter Heart", and have reached "Certainty", "Yagheen". Just ask ALLAH to bless you with those qualifications and ask Him to teach you His Arabic Quran. Peace.

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah".

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Here are some new "Posts" which I left on YouTube (11/28/2019)

There are so many videos on "Relxing The Soul and making it a Happy Soul". Some you can see here:

Divine Love Meditation, Contemplation, Relaxation, Introspection Sleep Meditation, Relaxing Music, Calming Music, Insomnia, Spa, Study, Sleep Boost Positive Energy 528Hz, Meditation, Healing, Zen, Sleep Pure Clean Positive Energy Vibration" Meditation Music, Healing Music, Relax Mind Body & Soul, Tibetan Bowls Heart Energy, Release Negative Blocks & Raise Vibration 852 Hz - LET GO of Fear, Overthinking & Worries, Cleanse Destructive Energy, Awakening Intuition Erase All Negative Energy Mental Blockages While You Sleep, Deep Sleep Positive Energy Meditation and so on and on and on . . .

These people without having any knowledge about the creation of our Soul they claim that they know how our Souls were created therefore, they know how to make our Soul happy. That means they are a god besides the Almighty ALLAH, the Creator of the Heavens and dry lands in seven universes. Yet, they have no idea where we came from, why we are here on earth, and where we will be going after here.

Do not let these Charlatans, meaning "a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud."

These I call "Fake Religions" are fooling so many people all over the world. So I left this "Post" for few of them.

"After you tried all of these different practices in order to relax your soul then, you need to get up and go to a supermarket and get some food because, you get hungry. Then, who is helping you and protecting you from not getting into any accident? How do you know that you would not get cancer from those foods that you ate? Why do you get into a bad mood next day? And so many other whys!?

Humans were created weak, we are not able to know the future and we cannot control other people therefore, we are Not able to make us Happy. Yet, the one who created us from ejected semen sent down to us Especial Dietary Instructions, which will make our innermost soul and heart to be Happy and be in a perfect peace all the time.

The Almighty Creator is in control of our life, death, heart and soul 24/7 and if you follow His Laws on earth He will take you to a place that no man has touched before. I am not talking about those misleading preachers in those synagogues, churches, mosques, temples and those with baseless conjectures. Just get out of those places and ask directly from your Creator desperately, silently, or loudly. Then, you would find yourself in a life without any accidents, fully protected, with health and happiness which you have never experienced before.

Now we have the scientifically proven scripture with 1500 pages of pure mathematics, the exact science to prove this fact.

This is the only medicine which will give your body and Soul perfect peace and protection. Do Not let these "Fake Religions" rape your heart and soul."

These people have been misled by those Charlatans who are only after your money and want to be famous.

Here is what ALLAH informed me personaly in order to make me free from all of those people who were bordering me and making angry. That is why 9 years ago He dropped on me this awesome verse (22:15-16) and I put this verse to work and ALLAH made people around me to a situation that I must have had to leave them. Thank ALLAH. Ever since I have been in perfect peace.

Now I live in a peaceful place, with security and pure and organic provions thank ALLAH. Plus ALLAH constantly has been blessing me with more and more "Hikmah"and "Knowledge". ALLAH be Glorified.

Thank ALLAH I do not visit those who were bothering me and they were disrespectful toward me and I am just worshippinhg ALLAH and Reading the Arabic Quran and perform my other duties as ALLAH dictated to me. Therefore, when you follow from ALLAH's Signs then ALLAH Guides whom ever He wishes to His Right Path.

But, remember, if you deviate from the path of ALLAH in the Arabic Quran even just a bit the consequences would be sever but, you would find ALLAh always the Forgiver.

"If anyone thinks that ALLAH cannot help him in this life and in the Hereafter, let him stretch a means (rope) to the sky, and cut off (his dependence on anyone else). He will then see that this plan eliminates anything that angers him." (22:15)

"And We have thus sent down clear signs herein, then ALLAH guides whoever wills." (22:16)

"Those who proclaim: "Our Lord is ALLAH," then persever, the Angels descend upon them: "You shall have no fear, nor shall you grieve. Rejoice in the good news that Paradise has been reserved for you." (41:30)

"We are your allies in this life, and in the Hereafter. You will have in it anything you desire for; you will have anything you want." (41:31)

"A Gift from the Forgiver, the Merciful." (41:32)

These people have no idea that ALLAH is in full control of our body and soul all the time. Those Angels are friends of the Submitters. They are with us, and protect us from any disasters might come down on us.

They hold those traffic lights for us. They do not let us hit any car nor any car hitting us. It is like they are hacking into traffic system.

They make people say hello to you in supermarket, or they make people answer your questions respectfully, and they just enjoy to be with submitters. They pray for the believers in order for ALLAH to forgive them. Yet, people have no idea about ALLAH's system and instead they have been fooled and follow from these Charlatans without any bases of truth.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an American lawyer and jurist who is an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Ginsburg was appointed by President Bill Clinton and took the oath of office on August 10, 1993. She is the second female justice of four to be confirmed to the court. She is now 86 years old and she has had four bouts with cancer, including colon cancer, cancerous nodules were removed from her left lung. Radiation therapy is one of several treatment options for pancreatic cancer and so on. As you might know Supreme Court is the Highest Court in America.

As you know ALLAH prefers men over women. All the Prophets of ALLAH were chosen from amongst the men when they get to the age of 40 except "E-Saw" son of Maryam who was born as a Prophet with the help of "Holy Rooh".

The only woman leader in the Arabic Quran was "Queen Saba" who was living in a sun worshipping Religion or System. Then, later on she Submitted to ALLAH and joined with "Soleymon".

That is why in the case of being a witness ALLAH decreed a testimony of two women is equal to a man. So if one woman deviated, astray, misled, deceived, or deluded then, the other one inform her. That means women are vulnerable and they become deviated, astray, misled, deceived, or deluded.

Also in the case of inheritance the portion of inheritance of a man is twice that of a woman. Allah created us therefore, He is fully aware of our soul and body. So we must put aside our baseless conjectures and ego and submit to the knowledge and "Hikmah" of ALLAH.

So I left this "Post" for Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

"The Almighty does not like for women to be a Judge. Our Creator prefers men over women. Even in the church He does not like women to talk. Ruth is the best example amongst us that is why she has been suffering for so many years, and disasters are coming down on her constantly and it is not going to stop because, she has been going against the Laws of our Creator on earth Who created us from ejected semen."

Another one is this man named 'Deepak Chopra' he is an Indian-born American author and alternative-medicine advocate. A prominent figure in the New Age movement, his books and videos have made him one of the best-known and wealthiest figures in alternative medicine.

This man came up with another what I call "Fake Religion" and he talks and writes about "The Secret of Healing - Meditations For Transformation and Higher Consciousness, Guided positive distressing, Soul of Healing Meditations, Finding your True Self, the Cure for all Suffering, Soul of Healing Affirmations, Meditation Music, Inner Healing Music and many more.

Again this man without having any knowledge about the Creation of our Soul he claims that he know how our souls were created therefore, he knows how to make our soul to be happy. That means he is a god bisides the Almighty ALLAH, the Creator of the Heavens and dry lands. Yet, he has no idea where we came from, why we are here on earth, and where we will be going after here.

Do not let these Charlatans, "a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud." he is fooling you, and misleading you, like he has done on so many people all around the world.

So I left this "Post" on YouTube for him:

"What are you talking about? You cannot even hold on to your fecal matter when it is coming out! now you want to control your Soul, which was created by someone else? That is a joke. This is how people follow from their own conjectures without any bases just for fame and few $s.

Show me just one person after those made up meditation did not get into an auto accident or his or her house were not blown away or burned or flooded? Or show me only one of your followers who never turned into a bad mood. The ONLY One Who is able to control your Soul and give you perfect Happiness and Protection is the Almighty Creator Who Created you from ejected semen. If you follow from your own nonsense conjectures just make sure towards the end of your life cancer and diseases are going to envelop your body and soul then you would be evicted from this earth as a loser and no one can help you. Turn into your Creator before it is too late."

There is a TV series in USA called "God friended me". In their last episode the preacher guy said that "God ordered Ebrahim to kill his son." These misled preachers and followers of this most distorted so called Bible misleading the whole world with their own conjectures. That is why so called the Bible belt area in USA is getting hit by more than a 1000 tornados every dingle year plus hurricanes, floods, and fires and no one cares. So I left this "Post" on that episode.

"You must know that the Almighty Creator is against Killing that is why He decreed Punishment for the Killer. Therefore, He never ordered Abraham to Kill his beloved son. satan tells the Almighty Creator that Abraham has so much love for the son YOU gave him as a gift, even more than YOU my Lord. Then satan got a permission from the Almighty to test Abraham. Therefore, satan gave that satanic dream to Abraham that he should behead his son.

And when the Almighty saw that Abraham was really getting fooled by that satanic dream and he was trying to kill his son then, our Creator intervened and gave him a great slaughter to sacrifice. Do Not let those illiterate preachers rape your heart and soul with that most distorted Bible written by people's hands, whom they said, 'it was revealed to us'.

That book was never ever written by the hand of a Prophet of our Creator. The Almighty never advocate Killing and Injustice and He never goes against His own rules. That is why the Bible belt area is getting hit by more than a 1000 tornados every single year plus hurricanes, floods, and fires as the consequences of wrong doing yet, they Do Not take heed. Now we have the scientifically proven untouched scripture from the Almighty based on mathematics, the exact science to prove this fact."

BTW, this series came with so many unbelievably true signs for me personally.

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah".

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Thank ALLAH for His Newest Awesome "Hikmah" (12/07/2019)

Ever since few years ago when ALLAH informed us about His Only One Religion "Submission to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil", meaing "Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with the descendents who would be transported by ALLAH" HE has been strengthening our hearts and souls about His Only One Religion in order to strengthen our footholds so we do not forget.

And now ALLAH the "Hakim" has blessed us and inspired us with more awesome verses from the Arabic Quran that His Only One Religion is:

"Submission to the Covenant of ALLAH with the descendents who would be transported by ALLAH"

Here is one of those verses (2:47):

"O descendents who would be transported by ALLAH, remember My favor which I bestowed upon you, and I Exalted you over all the people in the world." (2:47)

Here are some more verses from the Arabic Quran which ALLAH Preferred and Exalted "The descendents who would be transported by ALLAH" over all other people in the world. Thank ALLAH.

Please translate these verses for yourself (2:47; 2:122; 6:86; 7:138-140; 45:16)

You must learn the Arabic Quran otherwise you would never ever find these "Hikmah".

As you notice in these verses ALLAH is talking only and only to "The descendents who would be transported by ALLAH". They are the ones whom ALLAH Exalted them and Preferred them over all the creatures in universes.

And in the whole Arabic Quran you would never ever find that ALLAH saying that, He Preferred 'Muslims', 'Jews', 'Christians', or any other of those '4200 fake religions' over other people. This is awesome, Sobhan ALLAH.

That is why ALLAH is showing us again that, all of those 4200 manmade, religions are fake and false religions.

Here is another new awesome "Hikmah" from ALLAH (12/09/2019)

"Remember that ALLAH is the Only One Who knows if you have a "Pure Heart" or "Ghalb Motahhar" or not because, He is the One Who blessed you with it.

So how can you find out if you have a "Pure Heart" or not?

Here is a yardstick for you. If you agreed to pay 10% for your "Zakat Charity" that means you have received this awesome "Hikmah" from ALLAH.

Therefore, it does prove to you that you must have a "Pure Heart", "Ghalb Motahhar".

As you know you must have a "Pure Heart" in order to receive "Hikmah" from ALLAH."

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Thank ALLAH for His Awesome "Hikmah" (12/10/2019)

Long ago ALLAH dropped on us an awesome "Hikmah" and I just remembered it that is why I just want to remind the new comers with that "Hikmah".

As you know 112 Sura in the Arabic Quran starts with "Bisme Lahe Al Rahmon Al Rahim", or basically for short "Besmellah"

Now for many many years and even now so called "Muslims" translated all of those 114 repetitions of this phrase as:

"In the name of ALLAH, the Gracious, the Merciful"

And they have been starting to read those Suras in the Quran with this phrase. Even some illiterate ones they start talking with this phrase!

Now let us look at those old official letters format:

That means this sura came down:

"With the name of ALLAH, the Gracious, the Merciful"

Then the name of this first Sura revealed to Prophet "Mohammad" is "Al Alagh" or "Embryo".

Therefore, when you read the Quran you do not want to repeat this phrase which it says, it came down "With the name of ALLAH, the Gracious, the Merciful".

And in the First Verse revealed to Prophet "Mohammad" ALLAH said to him:

How to start reading the Arabic Quran

ALLAH says:

*"Besme Rabby Al lazi Khalagh"*

"Read: In the name of my Lord Who created"

ALLAH is telling us that when ever we read the Arabic Quran we must start by saying this phrase in an Arabic language:

"In the name of my Lord Who created"

"Besme Rabby Al lazi Khalagh"

As you know "Creation" is the Most Important Attribute in the system of the Almighty ALLAH becasue, without "Creation" there would be nothing

Also as you know:

"When you read the Quran, you shall seek refuge in ALLAH from shaytan the rejected" (16:98)

Therefore, here is how to start reading any Sura from the Arabic Quran:

*"Besme Rabby Al lazi Khalagh"*

* Aouzo Bellah men alshaytan Rajeem*

You should know that 112 of those Suras in the Arabic Quran comes from ALLAH to us. That means ALLAH is directly talking to us.

Then we have Sura 9 "Ultimatum", "Bara ah". This Suran does any "Besmellah" on the top, although Sura 9 is from ALLAH but, it is NOT just from ALLAH Alone to us yet, it is an "Ultimatum" from ALLAH and His messenger, Prophet "Mohammad", that is why it starts with:

"An ultimatum from ALLAH and His messenger to the idol worshipers who enter into a covenant with you" (9:1)

That is why Sura 9 Does NOT have any "Besmellah" on the top. Again we do start with:

*"Besme Rabby Al lazi Khalagh"*

* Aouzo Bellah men alshaytan Rajeem*

Then we notice another "Besmellah" in Sura 27 "Al Naml", "The Ant".

That was when "Soleymon" ordered that "Hoopoe" to take a letter to Queen "Saba" and drop it on her and wait for her answer.

Eventually "Soleymon" wrote on a small piece of a note and gave it to that "Hoopoe" in order to take it to "Saba" and told him make sure do not laugh or talk to anyone on the way! . . . just kidding.

He wrote on a small note like this one. On the front he wrote "From Soleymon" or "Besme Soleymon" and on the other side he wrote this phrase as ALLAH was saying: "From ALLAH the Gracious the Merciful. like ALLAH said, "Do not be Exalt yourselves over ME; come to ME as Submitters.' "

Queen "Saba" received that letter, which was dropped on her by that "Hoopoe" and she red it for her advisers. It said:

"Indeed It is from "Soleymon", and indeed it is,`From ALLAH, the Gracious, the Merciful'." (27:30)

She told her advisers that although "it is from "Soleymon" but, ALLAH says,

"Do not be Exalt yourselves over ME; come to ME as Submitters.' "

Again this is another prove that "Besmellah" was meant to be from ALLAH like ALLAH was talking to "Saba".

You must know that "Soleymon" did not want "Saba's" land nor did he did not care about to concur "Saba's" land because, he did not need to do that. He was given the kingship of the whole world by ALLAH yet, his only concern and worries was because he wanted to direct those arrogant sun worshipping people to the Right Path of ALLAH. And at that time he was given that mission from ALLAH to be a Prophet of ALLAH for the whole world.

Here is another prove: In Sura 44 "Al Doukhan", or "The Smoke" on the 19th verse Prophet "Moosaw" said to his people, "Do not Exalt yourselves over ALLAH .

Then there is Sura 1 "Al Fatehah", "The Key" which "Besmellah" is the first verse of this Sura, and it is Not on the top of this Sura either.

As you remember the words of this Sura was given to "Awedam" and his "Wife" in order for them to be redeemed since they have got fooled by sheytan in the Heaven when they ate from that forbidden tree.

So, when we recite Sura 1 "Al Fatehah" that means we are talking to ALLAH directly because this is the only Suran that we talk TO ALLAH, and asking Him to forgive us and guide us to His right path, when we perform our 5 daily "Contact Prayers", "Salat". Therefore, in this Sura "Besmellah" means:

"In the name of ALLAH, the Gracious, the Merciful"

Or I start, "with the name of ALLAH, the Gracious, the Merciful"

Therefroe, the repetitions of this phrase becomes a total of 114 times in the whole Arabic Quran which is divisible by the number "19" the base for the Mathematical Miracle of the Arabic Quran.

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Thank ALLAH for His Awesome "Hikmah" (12/25/2019)

As the Almighty ALLAH says in several verses in His Arabic Quran,

"ALLAH created "Awedam" from a dark wet mud on earth and from his body part ALLAH created his "Wife". Then "Awedam" and his "Wife" became a reproducer of humans themselves. As ALLAH says, from then on the rest of us were creaetd from ejected semen. Then ALLAH chooses a specific "Soul" from the other side and at the time of birth the "Holy Rooh" blows that specific "Soul" to the specific body which ALLAH has decided already."

Humans have been practicing on the anatomy of our physical body for thousands of years and ALLAH taught us quite a lot about our body. But, we have no idea about our "Soul" and what is it made of becasue it is not tangible and we are not able to touch it and see it, unless we wait day by day in order to find out what we are going to do tomorrow.

I am trying to say that if we feed our body with healthy foods and nutrition we can keep our body healthy but, there is no way what so ever that we can make our "Heart & Soul" to be happy. All because humans were created weak (4:28) and we have no idea about the creation of our "Soul". But, people go to 'Psychologists and Therapists' in order to heal their "Soul".

When we feel unhappy or something is bothering our "Soul" we do not know what to do. Yet, ALLAH says, "Consult" Sura 42 "Consultation", "Al-Shoora" but "Consult" with who?

Here is what ALLAH says about "Consulting":

Referring to those who Believe and totally depend on their Lord the Arabic Quran says,

"They respond to their Lord by standing up for Salat prayer. And their affairs are decided after due consultation among themselves, and from our provisions to them they give to (Zakat). (42:38)

Remember these are Believers that ALLAH is talking about, not some outsiders so called "Therapists" whom we have never seen in our life before, most probably a disbeliever, or they might be suffering from alcoholism, or be a mean person, or they might be going through divorce, or just fired from their job, or a prejudice and a lowlife, field with jealousy, who has brought up in a totally different environment than yours, and suffering with many more problems than yours.

Basically these so called "Therapists" are amongst any people out there who have been reading some books with conjectures of so many people about so called psychology through the years.

Are you going to trust this person to judge you and give you his or her own conjectures about what is bothering your innermost "Soul"? This is a joke . . .

You must know that when you tell those so called "Therapists" about your most private and secrets of your innermost "Soul" you are actually releasing your problems just by talking, which it has been constipated in your "Soul". That is the key to solve your problems just by "Consulting". Yet, ALLAH says "Consult among yourselves". That means "Consult" with those Believers. Or, if you want to do something you might want to "Consult" with your friend and through "Consultation" ALLAH will help you.

If you do not have a close friend to "Consult" with, then you be your own best friend and write down your problem or record it and then listen to it

But, since we have no idea about the creation of our "Soul" then the best is ask ALLAH to take away what is bothering your "Heart & Soul", then you would find ALLAH "The Rahmon" and "The Rahim" and He will show you how to get rid of what has been bothering you.

"ALLAH Is Your Best Psychologist and Therapist"

People out there have been experiening different sufferings like lack of health, money, provisions, different mental problems or being in accident and not being protected, and unhappiness. All because they have not been in ALLAH's system. These people have not experienced a "Peaceful Life" and they have no idea how does it feel or how does it taste. It is like a fruit which they have not seen it before and they have not tasted before. Therefore, when you tell people that you are in a "Perfect Peace" they just do not comprehend and they might even laugh at you. The reason is that ALLAH is the Only One on earth Who can provide you with a "Peaceful Life" and if you do not have ALLAH in your heart you are not able to reach that stage.

That is the stage which you would find yourself in a place that no man has touched before

So I left this "Post" on YouTube for some "Psychology" majors and "Therapists"

"When your physical body is acting abnormal you would consult with your doctor. The same way when your automobile is acting up you would consult with a mechanic. Why do you do that? Because they have been educated and experienced to diagnostic your problems with your physical body and your automobile.

We have been studying and practicing on human anatomy for hundreds of years because our body is tangible therefore, now we are able to recognize what is bothering our body parts then we came up with medicines. Regarding automobile we put those atu parts together ourselves therefore, we can easily diagnostic any problem in our car.

Then we came up with "Psychologist" which it has to do with our "Soul", and our "Behavior" although no one has any knowledge about the creation of our innermost "Soul" and no one has seen it nor touched it because it is not tangible yet, they want to find out our problems with our "Soul" just by reading from some books which they are just conjectures of many people from all around the world through the years. And by just talking to you and forcing you to take a 6 hours test which it is based for only few people they think they can diagnostic our problems! Are you kidding?

Then they send you to some "Therapists" whom they have not seen you before and they have no knowledge about your personal "Soul". As you know each and every one of us come to this world with a unique "Soul" and body, which is different from one another.

I am trying to say that if we feed our body with healthy foods and nutrition we can keep our body healthy but, there is no way what so ever that we can make our "Heart & Soul" to be happy. All because humans were created weak plus we have no idea about the creation of our "Soul" . . .

Now let me ask you, are you sure that these "Therapists" are not suffering with their own problems in their privacy? Are they suffering from alcoholism? Are they going through divorces? Did they just involved in an accident? Did they just got fired from their job? Are they suffering from jealousy? How do you know what kind of environment they have been brought up? Did they have a healthy life before? And millions of what ifs . . .

As you notice you are trusting your innermost "Soul", the most precious privacy of your "Heart & Soul" with a person who is completely unknown to you. Yet, simply you allow these so called "Therapists" rape your heart and soul and give you their own opinions and judgments without being close friend of you. Do not let these made up business rape your heart and soul and take away your money.

The only one who is aware of your innermost "Soul" is your Creator because He created your "Soul" and He is the only one who can make you happy. Ask Him to help you and show you the correct way because He created your "Soul".

The reason that you think you have been helped is that 'you just let whatever it was bothering you come out of your mouth' because, this is the only way you get release from your problems. Pay attention please, you allowed what has been bothering you sort of "Constipate" in your "Heart & Soul" for some times therefore, every day passed by your innermost "Soul" has been suffering by your problem.

Therefore, "The best is be your own best friend" and just write down what is bothering you or maybe record it and listen to it or just talk to your best friend about your problem.

You can solve some of your problems for example If your children have problem at school and they are getting "C" and "Ds" at school just take them out because this forced education within the past 100 years or so make some of your children suffer and it is only going to damage them and lose their confidence amongst other students. Maybe the Almighty has a best plan for them in the near future. We are not created equal and each one of us came to this world with unique personality and talent. All of those older scientists and musicians never did go to school and as you know the most successful people of our time are those school dropouts.

Let the Almighty Creator control you and your children's "Heart & Soul" instead of following from your own baseless conjectures and egos and do not trust those so called psychologists and therapists either. Now we have the perfect scientifically proven scripture based on mathematics, the exact science, with 1500 pages of pure mathematics to prove these facts."

It has been about 10 years since I have been blessed by receiving "Hikmah" from ALLAH so I could transfer them to you. Thank ALLAH for allowing me to help Him by giving me a small job in His Kingdom and on earth. I love my job. ALLAH has been blessing me with Perfect Peace unless I do something wrong which was against the rules in the Arabic Quran otherwise, ALLAH has been blessing me with health, happiness, pure provisions, perfect security and a nice place to live. Thank ALLAH, ALLAH be Glorified.

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Thank ALLAH for His Awesome "Hikmah" (1/1/2020)

Again ALLAH the Hakim blessed us with another awesome "Hikmah" which we have been reading it for as long as we have been reading the Arabic Quran yet, we have not been notcing it. As a matter of fact that was not the right time for us to notice it until this specific time which ALLAH willed it for us.

Do you remember Sura 62 "Al Jumu ah", "Friday"?

ALLAH already informed us that there is no "Khutbah" in the Arabic Quran and that was manmade and fake by human devil. Yet, ALLAH calls it "Friday Prayer" or "Salat Al Jumu ah", or "Congregational Prayer" . And He informed us that we should only "Commemorate ALLAH", "Zikre ALLAH" on "Fridays" Noon when, the sun declines from its highest point.

Now we have been reading this verse many times and passed by it carelessly and missing it many times. (62:9-11)

"O you who believe, when the Congregational Prayer (Salat Al Jumu`ah) is announced on Friday, you shall hasten to the Mentioning of ALLAH, and drop all business. This is better for you, if you only knew. (62:9)

"Then when the prayer is completed, you may spread through the land to seek ALLAH's bounties, and keep Mentioning of ALLAH many times more, that you may succeed." (62:10)

"When some of them come across a business deal, or some entertainment, they rush to it and leave you standing! Say, "What ALLAH possesses is far better than the entertainment or the business. ALLAH is the best Provider." (62:11)

As you notice ALLAH says, "After you finished your "Friday Prayer" just keep "Mentioning of ALLAH" Many Times More on Friday only.

This is the duty for the believers only on Fridays and after "Friday Prayer" and not on the other Contact Prayers. ALLAH be Glorified. Just imagine how much we have lost this duty all of these past years.

So Do Not forget, after you finished your "Friday Prayer" you want to keep:

* "Mentioning of ALLAH" Many Times More *

For detail information about "Friday Prayer" you may check this link. Mofidi Shirazi 9.htm

As we knew already "Friday Prayer" is NOT Khutbah yet it is just remembering and repeating ALLAH and His attributes on Fridays right after the sun declines from its highest point. Here is an example for you as you can see it in that link:

As you see in verses (62: 9 and 10) ALLAH says, "Dhikr" or "Zikr" meaning "Mentioning of ALLAH", instead of Talking Conjectures from the Seat of Your Pants.


I mean after you finished your "Friday Prayer" you want to keep "Dhikr" or "Zikr", meaning Commemorating the whole afternoon on what your illiterate imam told you on your so called "Friday Prayer"? Here you would find out that you have been following from nonsense all along. shaytanic Scheme!

Pay attention please there are two "Dhikr" or "Zikr", in those verses and both means "Mentioning of ALLAH", and NOT Khutbah!


You must READ The ARABIC QURAN otherwise you would never ever understand the Sacred Words of ALLAH

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Thank ALLAH for His Awesome "Hikmah" and "Knowledge" (1/10/2020)

A man named George Sale (1697-1736) from Kent England was the first person who translated the Arabic Quran to an English language in November 1733.

This man was the first person who started to mislead English speaking people into his own conjectures of the Arabic Quran. He learned Arabic langyage in his spare time and had never visited a Muslim country.

That was around the time when people started to call "ALLAH" as 'God' and George was the one who came up with "In God We Trust" for some of those verses in the Arabic Quran which is totally WRONG.

That was how 'George Sale' committed the horrendous crime against ALLAH's Quran.

That is why he became seriously ill with eight days of fever before his death in 1736 which was only three years after his translation of the Arabic Quran. This is another reason that No One is supposed to translate ALLAH's Scriptures.

Please READ this section very Carefully:

The Arabic word "Vo Ke La", or "Vokela" means:

"Give a Power to", "Rely on", "Give Authority to Somebody", "Empower", "Appointed as Representative", "A Pleader", "Advocator", "Defender"

This Arabic word "Vokela" is the root word for "Vakeel", meaning "Attorney" and "Motevakeloon", meaning "Those who Rely on ---- ".

Yet this man translated this simple Arabic word completely WRONG! And then the rest of Arabs who were a bit familiar with English language got fooled by 'George Sale' and they thought that this word in English language means "TRUST" as we are witnessing today as well.

Only few translators were blessed by ALLAH and they translated this phrase of correctly as they wrote:

"Upon Allah we have Relied" - "On ALLAH have we Relied" - "On ALLAH We Relied" - "We have Relied on Allah" - "On ALLAH do we Rely"

You MUST know that the meaning of this English word "Trust" in Arabic Language is "A'atemod" and "Thiqa"

If you Google the English wrod "Trust" into "Google Translate" the Arabic word shows as "Thiqa" as you see these people are all mixed up. . .

Just like when you say:

Therefore, The correct translation of this phrase of from (7:89) would be:

* "We have Relied on ALLAH" *

And this phrase in the bottom is totally WRONG and Disgraced:

This is another reason which proves that we Must learn the Arabic language in order to understand the Quran. ALLAH repeated 11 times in the Arabic Quran that:

"ALLAH sent the Quran in an Arabic Language so you could use your Brain."

* Now we have this Misleading phrase on American Currency *

That is why only in USA there are 4200 Fake, False and Manmade Religions since all nationalities live in this country.

I have witnessed many people from different nationalities who were familiar with the Quran. These people use words like "Insha ALLAH" in Arabic language in their daily communications with their friends. Or when they are going to eat they say, "Bismillah" in Arabic language. But as soon as they start to read the Quran they use those fake names that they have made up for our "Creator" in their own languages instead of using His correct name "ALLAH".

Or when they all start to read the Quran first in Arabic language they say:

Then they start to read in their own languages!? You see how ridicules this is? These are the ones who have given brain but, they are not able to use it.

Although you must start to read the Arabic Quran by saying:

Although they see with their own eyes that He repeated His name as "ALLAH" 2698 times throughout the whole Arabic Quran yet they are totally heedless. Wicked human being!

Do you see how ridiculous this is? Yet, when they get to read the name of "Mohammad" in the Quran they call him "Mohammad" because, so far they have not came up with other names to call "Mohammad" or they have not came up with other names to translate his name for that matter.

Do you notice the stupidity of this act? These are horrendous crimes of humans.

Now here is how the first Quran translation came to US. When Thomas Jefferson visited London he bought the third edition of the Quran translated by George Sale in two-volume, printed in 1764 and took it back to US.

Later on this set was sold to the Library of Congress in 1815, and rebound by the Library in 1918.

Jefferson used some of the Laws from the Quran and added to the US Constitution in 1776 when they were writing it down.

Then later on President Dwight Eisenhower asked Congress write that phrase of "In God We Trust" on the American currency that is why on July 30, 1957 they added that phrase to US currency. And the same President signed a law officially declaring “In God We Trust” to be the nation's official motto, all because of the Quran.

Later on Thomas Jefferson realized that he should learn the Arabic language in order to understand the Arabic Quran so he did.

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Here is a new awesome "Hikmah" from ALLAH the "Hakim", therefore I left this "Post" on YouTube (1/13/2020)

Regarding this new incident between US and Iran I left as many "Posts" as I could on YouTube but, I do not think anyone would get the message. ALLAH says that we should tell the people and advise them about His system.

"Here is the point of view from the system of the Almighty Creator. Around 1400 years ago man named 'Ruzbeh Farsi' brought the Arabic Quran to "Persian Empire" and since he was from the state of Fars (Shiraz) therefore, they had "Darwazeh Quran" in Shiraz meaning 'The gate that the Arabic Quran arrived into Iran'. About 285 years after revelation of the Arabic Quran some Iranians started to learn the techniques of poetry from the Literary Excellence of the Arabic Quran instead of learning from the guidance and advises from the Almighty Creator in order to have a happy life in here and in the hereafter. Therefore, they started writing poems first in Arabic and later on in Farsi language which, did not have to do anything with Allah's Quran. Almost every household have those books of poetries in their homes instead of the Almighty's Arabic Quran even today and even if they do have the Quran they keep it on the top shelf and no one touches it. That was how Iranians turned away from the Quran and as the result disasters started to come down on them through the years. Therefore, "Persian Empire" started to fall. We have been witnessing these past 90 years or so that how those 1rst world nations took away their natural resources like oils and uranium and other products and made them stop agriculture and husbandry in order to sell their own products to them by killing millions of their livestock plus making those 3rd word countries fight with one another and killing millions of them in order to sell their arms and living those 3rd nation very poor because, those 1rst world nations wanted to live in a comfortable life. That was how Terrorism was created. Remember the Almighty Creator is in control of our provisions that is why Allah allowed those 1rst world countries rip-off those 3rd nations because they have turned into an idol worshipping nations and became unappreciative of Allah. Yet, those were disasters that those 3rd world nation brought upon themselves by leaving the Quran for those books which were written by human devil. The reason Iranians are suffering so much is because they had their own respite for 1400 years yet, they turned away from the Almighty's Quran therefore, they would never ever going to have a happy life. Then just a few years ago they came up with a cult which does NOT have anything to do with the Quran and that made it worst. They made up 8000 shrines of dead people and idol worshippers go in and ask those dead people for health and happiness. Just like those mosques, synagogues and churches are taking way money from the people illicitly instead of giving it to those needy and homeless people. Now this incident of killing one of Iranians Generals by US government; We have witnessed these past few days that Iranians could not defend themselves because the Almighty is in control yet, they even killed some of their own people in those stampedes and on top of that they had to kill those 176 airline passengers. As you know life and death belongs to the Almighty Allah and He is in control of every second of all things 24/7. Hitler and his allies were assigned by the Almighty to create a war and as the result 60 million arrogant humans got killed because their respite was over and they were not following from the Rules of our Creator. The ones who were under the age of 41, the age of responsibility, were blessed to go to the Heaven instead of suffering the Hell fire because the Almighty is the Loving Creator. Then Hitler and his allies were wiped out. But Godless humans keep blaming Hitler instead of blaming those wicked people who turned away from our Creator yet, Hitler was assigned to perform those horrendous crimes because he had a wicked soul. I am sure he was a cute boy when he was a child. . . In our era USA is a new nation and it is only 243 years old, and Israel is only 70 years old that is why nothing serious happens to them because the Almighty has given them respite although in USA people have been suffering from unhealthy foods by injecting those poisoned chemicals into animals and adding them to their foods resulting people dying from diseases and cancers instead of normal death. Plus those 1000 tornados every single year and hurricanes, floods, and fires have been coming down on those fake and manmade religion in so called Bible belt area by worshipping a name never existed in the Bible written in original Aramaic language. All because the Almighty must keep the balance. Because of those 4200 fake and false religions we have churches, mosques and synagogues shootings and burnings because of their own rejection of the Only Religion of Our Creator. That is why they do not have any protections anymore. You must know that everything happening is in accordance with the rules of the Almighty Creator. DO NOT Blame politicians and politics because you are only following from your own nonsense conjecture and you have NO Idea about the system of our Creator. That is how people becoming Godless. Do Not let news media rape your heart and soul. That was why Godless people are still blaming Hitler. The reason behind these recent disasters is because ever since 47 years ago the Almighty has been sending us Mathematical Miracles in the Arabic Quran with 1500 pages of computer reports based on pure mathematics, the exact science to the American people. The reason you might not known about it in USA is because News Media are not allowed to talk about this awesome news of the millennium and it is our government agenda to block them from people. You must know that there is a "Washington Prayer Breakfast" sponsored by "The Family" an extremist Christian religious Cult, which started 80 years ago and all the US presidents were the members of "The Family". The rest of the leaders in the world do not let you know because those preachers with those fake uniforms had to go out of business. The Scientifically Proven Arabic Quran, proves that everything so called "Muslims" or those other 4200 fake and false religions are doing are against the Almighty Creator's Arabic Quran. That is why people around the world have brought disasters upon themselves. That is why the most threatening and frightening disaster of all is "Global Warming" which is coming down on us as the consequence of people rejecting those Mathematical Miracles from our Creator and no one is able to stop that unless people return to the Almighty and His Mathematical Miracles but, we know that you don't! . . . That is why we are going to suffer from "The Smoke" which will happen soon after Apollo 11 brought down those "Moon Rocks" in 1969." (Quran 54:1)

BTW, In chapter 54 of the Arabic Quran called "The Moon" in verse number (1) we read,

"The Hour has come near, and the moon has split" (54:1).

That was when Apollo 11 landed on the Moon and brought down 'Moon Rocks' to the earth on July 20, 1969. (Split = "Break or cause to break forcibly into parts").

July 20,1969 would be (7201969 / 19 = 379051).

This date is divisible by number 19 the secret code of the Arabic Quran. ALLAH be Glorified.

Also regarding that Historical Day of "May 19" which initiated on 5/19/1990 few months after Dr. Khalifa's departure. This year happens to be (5/19/2020) and (5192020=19)

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Regarding these new conflicts between Iran and America I left this "Post" for the religious leader of Iran about our newest "Hikmah" from ALLAH the "Hakim". (1/17/2020)

I left this "Post" under "Saint" .

I had to place this post in Farsi language. It is mostly about hypocrisy of witnessing that Prophet Mohammad is the messenger of ALLAH, follwing from ALLAH's Arabic Quran instead of those resalah, hadith, sunna and sharia laws. Or those made up outfits and how their "Salat, Zakat and Fasting" are wrong or "ALLAH Kabeer", and those shaytanic shrines and why they do not follow from the Arabic Quran alone.

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Regaring this ridicules statement that Thomas Jefferson added to the US Declaration of Independence on June 11, 1776, (All Men Are Created Equal) I left this "Post" today on YouTube videos about Dr. Martin Luther King.

You should remember that ALLAH blessed Dr. King and took him before the age 41, the age of responsibility otherwise, he would have been amongst these fake and manmade religion called "Christianity" and he would have died as a disbeliever (2:135; 3:67; 5:14,18,51 ALLAH says they are transgressors;te 9:30; ; .

"All Men Are Created Equal!. . ."

"This is the most nonsense and ridicules and wrong phrase of all. Thomas Jefferson was suffering from illiteracy that is why he came up with this nonsense and meaningless phrase from the seat of his pants. Even Google could not define this phrase."

"All Men Are Created From Ejected Semen."

Each and every one of us were created Totally Different with one another.

We were created with Totally Different Body and Soul. And all SOULs are Created Different as well, Some of us created as male and some created as female, We are all created with different colors, different shapes and sizes, We are created with Totally Different Personalities, some are poor, some are rich, some are created liars, some jealous and wicked, and some are created righteous, some are created to be an employee, some becomes a boss, some are created to become a president, some becomes a soldier, and some others becomes a terrorist, some are thieves, and some others one are created with 1000 different jobs. That is how through the years our innermost convictions come out.

So let us take that nonsense and illiterate phrase out of our literature so we do not mess with our children's brain because they recognize this nonsense statement right away.

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Thank ALLAH for His New Awesome "Hikmah" and "Knowledge" (2/01/2020)(Added on 12/19/2020)

Here is the horrendous crime of those wicked translators and those illiterate religious leaders:

One of the High ranking creatures of the Almighty Creator in His scriptures in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic language is called "Rouh", .

Respectively ("Ruach" in Hebrew - "Rucha" in Aramaic - "Rouh" in Arabic) as you notice they are all sound the same with a bit of accent. We do not know the numbers of ALLAH's "Rouh" in His Kingdom.

In (42:52 ; 58:22 and 4:171) of the Arabic Quran) ALLAH says,

Illiterate Preachers READ The Arabic Quran

"and thus We have revealed to you


of Our command" (42:52)

* * * * *

"and We helped them with


from Him" (58:22)

* * * * *

And 'A ROUH' from HIM (4:171)

As you notice in these two verses ALLAH says, "A ROUH". That means there are numbers of "ROUHs" in ALLAH's Kingdom.

Remember everything belongs to ALLAH. So when He said,

"I blow into it from My "ROUH" (15:29; 21:91; 32:9; 38:72)

Or in (19:17) ALLAH says,

"We sent to Maryam Our "ROUH". He went to her in the form of a human being

Does Not mean that ALLAH has a "ROUH" inside of Him yet, "ROUH" is one of His High Ranking creature

"O people of the scripture, do not exaggerate about your religion, and do not say about ALLAH except the truth. Indeed Maseah the son of Maryam, was a messenger of ALLAH, and HIS word that HE had sent to Maryam, and A "ROUH" from HIM. Therefore, you shall believe in ALLAH and His messengers. And you shall not say, "Trinity." You shall refrain from this for your own good . . ." (4:171)

Then we have "ROUH Al-Ghodos" and "ROUH Al-Ameen" (2:87; 2:253; 5:110; 16:102; 26:193; . They are the ones who READ revelations to Prophets. Here are all the words has to do with "ROUH" in the Arabic Quran:

Just look at these verses (19:17), (21:91), and (66:12), They all say:

"We sent to her Our ROUH". Then He (The ROUH) appeared to her as a human being, perfectly formed. (19:17)

That means from ALLAH and the "ROUH".

But notice here, "If that was a Rouh of ALLAH, the soul inside of ALLAH's body that means ALLAH turned to a HUMAN BEING! . . . You see how stupid it would be. . .

They were from Two Separate Entities

Then those illiterate religious leaders told people that "ROUH" means that,

ALLAH has an 'entity' or a 'being' or a 'soul' inside of His 'body' called, "ROUH" like humans having a physical body and a soul inside their body. That was how they have been messing up people's mind all of these years and no one takes heed because, they have been following from those illiterate preachers blindly. Now look at verse (17:85) it says,

"They ask you about the "ROUH". Say, "The "ROUH" is at my Lord's Command. The knowledge given to you is minute."

As you notice ALLAH Does Not say "MY ROUH" meaning that ALLAH has a "ROUH" in His body

Then few years back those wicked translators called that "ROUH" as "SPIRIT"

Because, the word "SPIRIT" comes from the Latin word for "Breath" and like Breath, Spirit is considered a fundamental part of being alive. As the "Enjeel" says, "The Breathing Soul". And that is when the "ROUH" blows into our body.

That was how they entered this word of "SPIRIT" into our daily dictionary in order to mislead the whole world and commit a horrendous crime against the Almighty Creator.

Therefore, they made up a fake creator with a 'body' and 'soul'.

First of all

"ALLAH Creates and Chooses, it is not for us to chose" (28:68).

The reason they committed this crime was because the Almighty mentioned in several verses of His scriptures that,

"At the time of Birth, ALLAH chooses a "Nafss" or a "Soul" from the other side and He orders the "ROUH" (one of His High Ranking creature), Blows that Soul into that new born baby on earth".

ALLAH calls our "Soul" as "Nafss", meaning "Soul" in Arabic language or "Na Fass" from the same root word meaning "Breath" and in those other old languages means, "Wind", and "Breath" with a bit of accent, Torah, Ezekiel (36:27).

All of those people in the Middle East believe that they have a "ROUH" inside of their body. Yet, ALLAH says that we have a "Nafss" inside of our body. You see how misled they are? It is all because they Do Not want to READ the Quran yet, they complain that why they are suffering from unhappiness! . . . That is why they are suffering from illiteracy.

And that was the same "Nafss" or "Breath" which was blown into our body by "Al-ROUH".

And then those illiterate misleading religious leaders committed another crime and said to the people that,

"We humans have the Almighty's "Soul" inside of us"

In a way they are saying that,

The Almighty Creator has all of those ugly human traits and behaviors inside of Him like; Being Resentful, Rudeness, Foolishness, Selfishness, Carelessness, Being an Idol worshiper, Being a Disbeliever, Arrogant, wicked, Murderer, Thieves, Being Greedy, and all the other ugly traits of humans.

Can you believe that? These are all crimes against ALLAH

That is why followers of these fake and false religions are suffering right and left with different kinds of disasters all over the world

Do Not let these illiterate preachers and religious leaders and translators Rape your Heart and Soul and mislead you in order to take away your money so they could purchase more mansions and airplanes. Do Not let these charlatans fool you.

Hey Religious Leaders look at these verses:

If you are able to READ The Arabic Quran you would see that these verses say,

"HIS Angels"

Just like


Get out of those places and ask the Almighty Creator to Teach you His scripture since ALLAH is the Only Teacher of His scriptures and He is the knower of all things.

Make sure take out the word "SPIRIT" out of those scriptures and dictionaries and replace it with the correct word of "ROUH"

That is why ALLAH commanded you to use your brain and learn His Arabic Quran otherwise, you will be evicted from this world as an illiterate and a blind person. Illiteracy brings blindness. DO not let those illiterate translators and mullahs invite you to the Hell Fire.

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*You want to live a life in a different key, otherwise you are just wasting your time*

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Thank ALLAH for His New Awesome "Hikmah" and "Knowledge" (2/09/2020)

Everyday people meet each other and greet one another in so many different languages. For example in USA you hear these greetings amongst the people or better yet bunch of none senses:

Yet ALLAH simply tells us how to greet each other,

"When those who believe in our revelations come to you, you shall say, "Salãmun `Alaykum" (Peace be upon you). Your Lord has written mercy upon Himself. Thus, anyone among you who commits a transgression out of ignorance, then repents thereafter and become righteous, then He is Forgiving, Merciful." (6:54)

As you see ALLAH says when you see a Believer In ALLAH's Revelation simply say greet them with "Asalam Alaykum", "Peace be upon you".

"Asalam Alaykum" or "Peace be upon you". Means that I come to you with peace, I am one of your relative, I am not jealous of you, I am not your enemy, I like you, I do not cheat you, I do not betray you, I do not scheme against you, I am with you as long as you follow from ALLAH's Arabic Quran, I thank ALLAH for your friendship, I am not going to back bite behind your back, I am not going to steal from you, I like to pray and fast with you, I am so glad that we both understand "Hikmah" because ALLAh made us both to have a "Pure Heart" and blessed us with "Certainty", and many more righteous works from the Arabic Quran.

Click here and enjoy it:

In Arabic language when you talk with one person, singular, you say, "ASalãmu `Alaykaa" (Peace be upon you)and when you talk to more than one person, plural, you say, "ASalãmun `Alaykum" (Peace be upon you)but, it has became a custom in Arab nations and the rest of the people that they just use for singular and plural forms.

Here are verses from the Arabic Quran with the word "Salaam" or "Peace" :

As you know one of the Most Beautiful Names of ALLAh is "Al-Salaam","Peace". (59:23)

Remember ALLAH also says,

". . . When you enter any home, you shall greet each other a greeting from ALLAH that is blessed and pure. ALLAH thus explains the revelations for you, that you may understand." (24:61)

Remember when insha ALLAH we enter the Heaven we will be greeted with "Salãmun `Alaykum" or "Peace be upon you" by the Angels.

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*You want to live a life in a different key, otherwise you are just wasting your time*

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Thank ALLAH for His New Awesome "Hikmah" and "Knowledge" (2/13/2020)

Last time we talked about how to Greet people:

In Arabic language when you talk with one person, singular, you say, "ASalãmu `Alaykaa" (Peace be upon you)and when you talk to more than one person, plural, you say, "ASalãmun `Alaykum" (Peace be upon you)but, it has became a custom in Arab nations and the rest of the people that they just use for singular and plural forms.

Now we are going to talk about what to say when you depart from people or when you leave your friends after a visit.

Here are some of those phrases that people use these days in north America:

Some of these are really ridicules like "Take care of yourself"! . . . or "Watch out for yourself"! . . .

Yet, they might get hit by a car just a few minutes after or get some kind of virus. Then how can you protect yourself?

ALLAH is the One Who is taking care of us and He is the One Who is in control of all things in the whole seven universes.

I mean how can you have a nice day? This is just wishful thinking, we are not in control of anything. Or "Goodnight" and "Good evening".

These slangs are mostly for people who do not believe in ALLAH.

The original goodbye, dating from the 1570s, was "godbwye", which was a contraction of the farewell phrase "God be with ye!". Now this one was much much better than those others. This shows that we used to be closer to ALLAH in those old times. That is why these days we are facing with so many different disasters and problems in our society. Remember those days women were not working, we did not have homosexuality any many other problems did not exist at that time. Today everything we do is against ALLAH's system.

Again among the believers when we depart from each other we want to just say,

"Asalam Alaykum" or "Peace be upon you". Which means remember, that I came to you with peace, I am one of your relative, I am not jealous of you, I am not your enemy, I like you, I do not cheat you, I do not betray you, I do not scheme against you, I am with you as long as you follow from ALLAH's Arabic Quran, I thank ALLAH for your friendship, I am not going to back bite behind your back, I am not going to steal from you, I like to pray and fast with you, I am so glad that we both understand "Hikmah" because ALLAh made us both to have a "Pure Heart" and blessed us with "Certainty", and many more righteous works from the Arabic Quran.

BTW, I left this "Post" for this new "Corona Virus" stamped by ALLAH as "COVID - 19".

It is amazing that this disease started from China the most atheist nation on the world and the name of this disease is "COVID - 19".

"Ever since 46 years ago the Almighty Creator has been sending us His Signs based on Mathematics, the exact science in the Arabic Quran. The secret code of these Mathematical Miracles is based on the number "19".

Although all the leaders of the world have been notified about this awesome news of the millennium yet, they all have been rejecting those 1500 pages of scientific reports.

You should know that the Arabic Quran Does Not have anything to do with Islam and Muslims because, they have left the Quran for those fake human made books long time ago that is why they have been suffering all over the world. Our government agenda has not allowed our news media to talk about these Miracles. That is why all of these years we have been suffering so much all around the world as the consequences of our rejecting those Signs of our Creator.

And now the Almighty Creator has Stamped His secret code number "19" on this new Corona Virus to be "COVID-19" as His punishment for humans."

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*You want to live a life in a different key, otherwise you are just wasting your time*

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Thank ALLAH for His Awesome "Knowledge" through the "Hikmah" of the Arabic Quran so I left these "Post" on YouTube (3/13/2020)

The most amazing thing is that in media "No One Asks From Our Creator For Help, Or Pray To ALLAH Or Repent To ALLAH Or Ask Him For Health And Healing!

Regarding the Corona virus or COVID- 19 I left this "Post" for Godless nations. (3/13/2020)

"This is how the Almighty Creator paralyzed the people in the whole world as the consequences of their turning away from Him. And so called religious leader have made up 4200 fake, false and man-made religions besides the Only One Religion of our Creator in order to mislead people and make them warship dead saints besides the Almighty Creator who created them from ejected semen. All because they wanted to steal more money so they could buy mansions and airplanes. "Nothing Bad happens to you if you follow the rules of our Creator, He is the best protector." That is why "COVID-19" has His mathematical sign stamped on it. "No one has Power but, the Almighty Creator".

Regarding the Corona virus or COVID- 19 I left this "Post" for Godless nations. (3/12/2020)

"The Almighty Creator has created us from ejected semen and taught us how to talk and walk, blessed us with hearing, eyesight, and brain, blessed us with provisions, jobs, roof over our heads, plus health and protections to see if we are appreciative of His blessings or not. But, unfortunately we have been creating 4200 fake, false and man-made religions beside His only One Religion and everyday those rabbis, preachers and mullahs have been misleading people to become Idol Worshiper so we would worship and thank those dead prophets beside the Almighty Creator. All because they wanted to buy more mansions and airplanes. We are witnessing so many disasters coming down on us as the consequence of turning away from our Creator like this last one COVID-19 which has His mathematical sign stamped on it. "Nothing Bad happens to you if you follow the rules of our Creator, He is the best protector."

There is man named "Rick Steve" who travels around the world and gives us awesome information about different countries in the word which is very helpful. In one episod he talks about Fascism and Socialism in Europe so I left this "Post" for his videos. (3/10/2020)

"Humans always follow their own conjectures of the mind and ego without any bases and always relate history to politics and Fascism, Socialism, Democracy and other made up names in order to satisfy his own ego. Yet we are all created by the Almighty Creator from ejected semen, who taught us how to talk and walk and provided us with provisions, health, wealth, and blessed us with jobs, roofs over our heads and protections. Yet, this arrogant human being becomes a enemy of his Creator. How come no one talks about 'how those Jews and other ethnicities treating each other and how they were behaving in the societies according to the rules of our Creator'. One of the Most important rule of the Almighty Creator is that, "Nothing BAD Happens To You If you Follow The Rules Of The Almighty Creator". But, since we have became Godless nations and made up 4200 fake and manmade Religions therefore, we are not able to understand this fact and we have no idea about our Creator's Punishments. Just look at COVID-19 . . ."

By coming down this new disasters, COVID-19, Italy was locked down so I left this "Post". (3/10/2020)

"This is how the Almighty Creator lock down the Center of Idol Worshiping country in the world, "Italy". They have been worshipping this fake name "Jesus" which you would never ever find this manmade name in the original Bible in Aramaic language. The Almighty has created them from ejected semen and taught them how to talk and walk and blessed them with health, wealth, provisions, jobs, roof over their heads and protections yet, they are thanking that fake name made up by those illiterate preachers so they could mislead them in order to buy more mansions and airplanes. That is the same way the Almighty has been punishing those Idol Worshipping people in Bible belt area with more than a 1000 tornados every single year plus hurricanes, floods and fires but, the hearts and souls of the people have been raped and hypnotized by those illiterate preachers. "Nothing Bad happens to you if you follow the rules of our Creator, He is the best protector."

This Corona Virus forced people to lock down Kaaba and Saudi shuts down Mecca for pilgrimage so I left this "Post". (3/7/2020)

"Thank Allah, this is the Power of Allah who makes these people close the only Sacred Mosque in the world by their own hands. The reason is that so called Muslims Do Not follow from the Arabic Quran. They came up with a religion never authorized by the Almighty Creator. Their worship, contact prayers, Zakat charity, fasting, Hajj pilgrimage, scriptures and so on has nothing to do with the Arabic Quran. Humans made up 4200 fake and false religions which has nothing to do with only One Religion of Allah. That is why the Almighty Creator is closing all of those mosques, synagogues, and churches who are taking your 10% charities illicitly in order to buy more mansions and airplanes instead of giving it to the needy people and relatives and homeless people."

Climate change or the disaster which we have brought upon ourselves. Yet, Jane Fonda screaming nonsense without any bases so I left this "Post". (3/7/2020)

"The one who created us from ejected semen created the seven universes long time ago and then He created the nature with perfect climate for His creatures. The Almighty Creator created food for His uncountable creatures with perfect protections for those creatures that we see and we do not see. Then humans were created and He blessed them with provisions, jobs, roof over their heads and protections in order to test them and see if they follow His rules on earth, and if they would be appreciative of His blessings. But, the arrogant humans forgot about their Creator and from His Only One religion they came up with their own 4200 religions without any bases. Then the Godless nations all around the world deprived from His protections and as the consequence of their rejecting Him they brought disasters upon themselves like Climate Disasters. Yet these arrogant Godless people have been blaming each other for Climate Change instead of turning back to their Creator. Therefore, the worst is yet to come like many more tornados, floods, hurricanes, fires, and COVID-19 and on . . . Now we have the scientifically proven scripture based on mathematics, the exact science to prove this fact."

For Nashville tornados killing 24 people I left thos "Post". (3/4/2020)

"Nothing bad happens to you if you follow the rules of our Creator. He is the best protector."

Then many so called Christians said, "What about Prophet "Job"? As you know their so called Bible is the most distorted book and they have no idea about the truth. So I left thos "Post" for them.

"Prophet "Job" lost his animals, family, and his health. Then he seek refuge in the Almighty Creator saying that "satan has took away his wealth and health and everything.

" Then the Almighty Creator told him, "Hit the ground with your foot, a cold spring is going to gush out, take a bath in that cold water, and take these Herbs and apply it in your body and """Do Not Ccommit A Sin Again!""".

He was doing wrong somewhere and he did not know it. That was how satan was allowed to take away his everything. But you are following from the most distorted scripture "Bible" which was written by the people 200 years after the Prophet of our Creator and they said "It was revealed to us".

The Almighty Creator who created us from ejected semen blessed us with provisions, jobs, roof over our heads and protections then He gives us respite. Yet so called religious people go and worship a fake name "Jesus" which you would never ever find this fake name in the original Bible in Aramaic language. That is why the Angels of the Almighty, the drivers of the wind, have the permission from our Creator to hit the Bible belt area with more than a 1000 tornados every single year, plus hurricanes, floods, and fires as the consequences of their own wrong doings. Those illiterate preachers have been raping the heart and souls of the people in order to mislead them so they could buy more mansions and airplanes. Yet no one cares. Now we have the untouched message of our Creator based on mathematics, the exact science to prove this fact. His law is "Nothing bad happens to you if you follow His rules" and "Anything bad happens to you is from your own wrong doings". Peace"

Here is the "Post" that I left for Homelessness. (2/27/2020)

"The Almighty Creator commanded all of His prophets and people to pay 10% of their net income or "Tithing" or "Cleansing Charity" respectively to: Needy Parents- Relatives- Fatherless children- HOMELESS PEOPLE, Needy people. By this system of our Creator no one should have been HOMELESS. But, those wicked preachers and rabbis and mullahs have changed those sacred verses in those Scriptures and said, "PAY YOUR 10% CHARITY TO THOSE CHURCHES & SYNAGOGUES" so they could get rich every day in order to purchase mansions and airplanes and keep misleading people. Remember Preachers and Rabbis are the cause of HOMELESS PEOPLE. Now we have scientifically proven scripture based on mathematic, the exact science, to prove this fact."

Ragarding Kobe Bryant death I left this "Post". (2/24/2020)

"Here is a bad news for you. Although the Almighty Creator blessed Kobe with health, wealth, talent, fame, nice family and thought him basketball and made him to work hard constantly yet, with all of those blessings he was thanking a name Jesus which is a fake and a man-made name and you would not find this false name in the original Bible in an Aramaic language. And above all he called this fake name Jesus as the son of God! . . . Now the age of responsibility is 41 years old as far as our Creator is concerned. That means whatever you have done before the age of 41 is forgiven like Moses killed a man when he was 30 years old then he repented and asked the Almighty to forgive him and He forgave him right there. But, Kobe was taken after his 41st birthday. Yet, his daughter made it to the Heaven and she is having fun and laughing at us. You must know that Dr. King and Malcolm X where taken before the age of 41. Yet our Godless nation have been paralyzed by media and those illiterate preachers who have been raping the heart and soul of the people for just a few $s therefore, we are celebrating a dead person who is in a very dark and hot place. Save yourselves."

Corona virus now called "COVID-19" so I left this "Post". (2/12/2020)

"Ever since 46 years ago the Almighty Creator has been sending us His Signs based on Mathematics, the exact science in the Arabic Quran. The secret code of these Mathematical Miracles is based on the number "19". Although all the leaders of the world have been notified about this awesome news of the millennium yet, they all have been rejecting those 1500 pages of scientific reports. You should know that the Arabic Quran Does Not have anything to do with Islam and Muslims because, they have left the Quran for those fake human made books long time ago that is why they have been suffering all over the world. Our government agenda has not allowed our news media to talk about these Miracles. That is why all of these years we have been suffering so much all around the world as the consequences of our rejecting those Signs of our Creator. And now the Almighty Creator has Stamped His secret code number "19" on this new Corona Virus to be "COVID-19" as His punishment for humans."

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*You want to live a life in a different key, otherwise you are just wasting your time*

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Thank ALLAH for His Awesome "Knowledge" through the "Hikmah" of the Arabic Quran so I left these "Post" on YouTube (3/17/2020)

Regarding this new disaster "COVID-19" I left few "Posts" on You Tube. (3/17/2020)

"This is how ALLAH enforces His own Rules upon us in order for us to follow His commands if you wish to be happy here, and in the life after here. He made you stop shaking hands, and that nonsense touching, hugging, and kissing each other with no reason at all. He is forcing you stop committing adulteries. He is forcing you stop drinking at bars and restaurants although you are still drinking and using drugs at home. He made prostitutes stop working and those exotic dancers.

And MOST of all He made you stop going to those so called places of worship that those wicked rabbis, preachers, and mullahs made you worship those dead saints besides ALLAH so they could rip you off instead of taking care of those homeless and needy people. So called Jews made the horrendous crime and took out the name of our Creator "Elohim" from the Torah and instead they are only following traditions, which you would never find them in the dead sea scrolls. So called Christians worship a fake name which you would never find that false name in the original Bible in Aramaic language, and so called Muslims put aside ALLAH's scripture for those satanic books, that is why they are suffering much more than the others. Yet the Loving ALLAH still allows us to eat His abundant provisions. ALLAH is the Best Enforcer and the Best Protector for those who worship ALLAH Alone."

The Governor Newsom of California announced that schools maybe out for the whole summer time so I left thos "Post" on You Tube. (3/18/2020)

"Again our schooling system is totally against the Rules of the Almighty Creator. Our Creator wants us to teach our children how to Read, Write and Calculate. Yet we have been paralyzed by lawmakers and media to spent T h o u s a n d s of Dollars for our children and put them in schools for T w e l v e Y e a r s, so they could face, drugs, homosexuality, being bullied, and a very little Education and then at the end the Value of their Education is = Equal = to work at McDonald, and Pizza hot. . . Those successful people in our society are the ones who followed the Rules of their Creator and they became School Dropouts. Our children should have been with their parents to learn life educations and be Loved by their parents so they would not be brought up as bullies. Then later on the Almighty will show them which direction they should chose as He showed those older scientists, musicians, artists and so on. Happiness is following the Laws of our Creator."

There is are some videos on You Tube regarding "Women's Right" and "Women's Movement" which is totally against ALLAH's Rules on earth for our won happiness, so I left this "Post". (3/18/2020)

"The reason you are following from your conjectures and egos without any bases is because you have No Idea about the Almighty Creator's System who created your from ejected semen . Yet, those 3rd world small towns are living in a peaceful life as the whole world used to live like them for thousands of years.

When most of the men were killed at war some smart-alecky in the government said, "Let us put women to work!" Then all of our problems started.

Our Creator commanded us in all of His scriptures that,

"Men to be the beard earner and they would be in charge of the women and women submit to their husband, jus t like when they submit to the Almighty Creator."

This is the women's right as far our Creator concerns. To follow order is much more difficult than command it. All because women are more patient that men.

At the beginning you heard lots of sarcastic remarks from men, with much less salary than men. Then "The women liberation" started and your rise up caused people to commit adulteries. And then you caused homosexuals and lesbians pop up, then the Almighty sent down aids as the consequences of their wrong doings, killing millions and counting. You have made 400,000 fatherless children in US. You made more than a 1,000,000 homeless men in US because you have occupied their jobs. 10,000,000 women are suffering from depressions and many other mental problems all because they did not wanted to submit to their Creator. You have brought 400,000 breast cancer and many 0ther different diseases instead of relaxing at home with your children. More than 5,000,000 women are suffering from alcoholism. You made evils like Harvey Weinstein come out of their closets. You caused 1,000,000 women to become prostitutes in US. You caused 1,000,000 women to become porn stars. You caused about 4,000 strip clubs to be opened up in US with so many women exotic dances. You caused 50% of marriages end up in divorces. Because of women's liberation there are 10 women being killed in Mexico every single day because they do not like to follow from our Creator's rules. And many more different sufferings.

Then you called your action as "Democracy and Freedom" and the worst part is that you have been transferring your arrogant actions to those pure countries and nations around the world with the help of our blind and Godless media. That is why we have disasters like tornados, hurricanes, fires, floods, COVID-19 and so on.

Do Not let media rape your heart and soul. The best is to turn to your Creator, repent and ask Him for forgiveness. Happiness is submission to the laws of our Creator because He created us therefore, He knows what makes us happy. Do not be your own god, otherwise the worst is yet to come. Peace"

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*You want to live a life in a different key, otherwise you are just wasting your time*

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Thank ALLAH for His Awesome "Knowledge" through the "Hikmah" of the Arabic Quran (3/24/2020)


There are 1240 species of BATs in the nature. These BATs carry a great variety of "Viruses". ALLAH be Glorified.

These "Viruses" can be transferred to other species including "Humans". They called "Zoonotic Viruses" such as "Ebola", and "Corona".

The word "Corona" means a circle of light around an abject, which they are those "Spikes" around the "Corona Virus" as you see on those pictures.

"COVID-19": 'CO' stands for 'corona', 'VI' for 'virus' and 'D' for disease.

Formerly, this disease was referred to as "2019 Novel Corona virus" when it was discovered.

The word 'Novel' has been derived from the Italian word 'Novella' which means "New". Just imagine only few days later would have been "2020" without number "19"!

Now Bats fly therefore, they are coming from the Sky, and they are not like animals who are walking on the ground.

Therefore, "The Sky" brings a "Visible Virus". Although we are not able to see it with our naked eye but, ALLAH blessed us with the knowledge of building microscope and now we are able to see it. Also when we take that "Corona Virus" test we would find out that if we have it or not.

This "COVID-19" has Covered the people (Meaning people all over the world).

Also as we are witnessing "COVID-19" is a Painful Punishment for the people and many people are suffering from Respiratory function and Fever.

Although they took it as some kind of Flu or other diseases. But, as we are all witnessing no one I mean no one has ever said, "Please ALLAH take away this Plague from us" all because the whole world turned away from ALLAH. Even none of those so called religious leaders and religious people have asked such a question, and implore ALLAH.

Maybe later on we are going to get to that point.

Now when the Arabic Quran was revealed there were no words like, "Germ", "Virus", "Microbe" or "Gas". That is why ALLAH called it "Smoke".

And the Smoke consists of Gas and Small Bits of Solid Material that are sent into the Air". And that "Small bits of solid material" can be "Germ, Virus, Microbe, and Gas".

As you know in sura 44 "Dolhan" or "The Smoke" ALLAH says,

"Therefore, watch for the day when the sky brings a "Visible Smoke".

It will cover the people; this is a painful retribution.

"Our Lord, relieve this retribution for us; we are believers.

Now that it is too late, they remember! An enlightening messenger had come to them.

But they turned away from him, saying, "Well educated, but crazy! We will relieve the retribution for awhile; you will soon revert". (44:10-15).

Now maybe later on people come to their senesces and turn to ALLAH and say,

"Our Lord, relieve this retribution for us; we are believers".

Although in US, Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick wants grandparents to sacrifice themselves in order to help US economic efforts. He says,

"Let our older people die because, they are much more vulnerable to this Virus, therefore let us not spend so much money on these older people as far as medical supports and hospitals. So let them die and sacrifice their life for the younger generations so we could save our Economy."

WoW! . . . Can you believe you ears?

"We all seek refuge from shaytan in our Loving ALLAH"

Then because of Mathematical Miracle of number "19" in the Arabic Quran revealed to Dr. Rashad Khalifa, messenger of ALLAH which refers to that number "19" in "COVID-19" people will remember that an enlightening messenger had come to them but they turned away from him and many people ridiculed him and said, "Educated but crazy".

May ALLAH forgive me if I am making a mistake.

The whole world has been in denial of ALLAH. That is why No One I mean No One never ever said,

"ALLAH please help us with this COVID-19 and forgive us and take away this plague from us"

This is how the Almighty Creator paralyzed people in the whole world as the consequences of their turning away from Him.

That is how ALLAH put the whole world into quarantine. Thank ALLAH I have been putting myself into quarantine and isolation from those hypocrites and disbelievers and people who idolize the others by the will of ALLAH, ever since 8 years ago, and I love it.

All because so called religious leader have made up 4200 fake, false and man-made religions besides the Only One Religion of our Creator in order to mislead the avrage people and make them worship dead saints besides the Almighty Creator, who created them from ejected semen. That is how those illiterate religious leaders wanted to steal more money from the average people so they could buy more mansions and airplanes.

As you know the Mathematical Miracle of the Arabic Quran Based on number "19" came down in US, Tucton Arizona. We just have to wait and see what happens here in US regarding "COVID-19". The Miracle "19" came down in "Chicago".

As you know the "Moon has been broken apart", by bringing those moon rocks to the earth. Then we saw "The Mathematical Miracles of ALLAH based on the number " '19' ". Then we are going to see "The Smoke" which it might be this "COVID-19).

Remember, life and death belongs to our Creator and He is the only One Who could take it away from us.

Just notice that it all started in China a Godless nation, then those 700 so called Chinese Muslims went to Iran in order to worship those made up dead saints and that was how they transferred and spread the "Corona Virus" in Iran by the will of ALLAH. All because Iranians made up a religion which you would never find it the Arabic Quran.

And then look at the Center of Idol worshiping people in the world, the Vatican in Italy, whom they are worshiping a fake name "Jesus" which you would never find this false name in the original Bible in Aramaic language. As we are all witnessing that Bible belt area in US is getting hit by the Angels of the Almighty with more than a 1000 tornadoes every single year plus floods, hurricanes, fires and so on yet, no one cares.

No One Has Power But, The Almighty ALLAH. Everything have been controlled by our Creator from the creation of man on earth until the end of this world and not by those so called governments.

"Nothing Bad happens to you if you follow our Creator's laws."

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*You want to live a life in a different key, otherwise you are just wasting your time*

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Thank ALLAH for His Awesome "Knowledge" through the "Hikmah" of the Arabic Quran regarding Retribution (3/29/2020)

* Pay Attention Please *

Just imagine if all the governments in the world would announce that from tomorrow we all should go back in time and live like we used to live 100 years ago! No one would have followed such an order, because we have entered all kinds of vice and wicked behavior into our societies and media paralyzed and brain washed us with them.

Yet, the Almighty Creator made the whole world kneel down and we are not able to do anything else but, just sit at home. . . This is how we used to live before, which is much closer to the rules of our Creator according to His scriptures.

The Almighty hates these 4200 fake and false religions that we made up. That is why He blessed us and kicked us all out of those places of idol worship. You must know that in our era there are just a few people on earth who have been kept their distance from those hypocrite, transgressor, idolizer, Godless people in order to worship the Almighty Alone. Those are the ones who have earned the High Heaven. Happiness is submission to the Laws of our Creator ALLAH.

* COVID-19 *


The Almighty Creator created this earth and seven universes from nothing. Yet, those governments in the whole world and their medias made us to become atheists. And those so called religious leaders made up 4200 fake and false religions in order to mislead us so they could steal our money by making us worship and idolize those dead saints besides the Almighty Creator, and one of them even made up that fake name Jesus, which you would not find it in any original Scripture.

That is why the Almighty blessed us and kicked us out of those places of idolatry.

As the Almighty commanded all of us in His Scripture, all we have to say is:


Instead of those nonsense singing, dancing and playing music at your windows and on balconies. Then, The Almighty Responds,

"WE Will Relieve The Retribution (COVID-19) For Awhile."

We have the scientifically proven evidence to prove this fact in the Court of Law with 1500 pages of computer printout based on mathematics, the exact science.

This was added on (10/26/2020)

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*You want to live a life in a different key, otherwise you are just wasting your time*

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

Dear "Submitters to the Covenant of ALLAH with Bani Esra Eil"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Thank ALLAH for His Awesome "Knowledge" through the "Hikmah" of the Arabic Quran so I left these "Posts" regarding COVID-19 ever since (3/07/2020) up to now (4/05/202).

Thank ALLAH who made me work in His casse

Kaaba was empty Saudi shuts Mecca for pilgrimage (3/07/2020)

"Thank Allah, this is the Power of Allah who makes these people close the only Sacred Mosque in the world by their own hands. The reason is that so called Muslims Do Not follow from the Arabic Quran. They came up with a religion never authorized by the Almighty Creator. Their worship, contact prayers, Zakat charity, fasting, Hajj pilgrimage, scriptures and so on has nothing to do with the Arabic Quran. Humans made up 4200 fake and false religions which has nothing to do with only One Religion of Allah. That is why the Almighty Creator is closing all of those mosques, synagogues, and churches who are taking your 10% charities illicitly in order to buy more mansions and airplanes instead of giving it to the needy people and relatives and homeless people."

Italy 60 million locked down (3/10/2020)

"The whole world became Godless. No one I mean No One ever said, ""Please God take away this Plague from us we will be return you again." This is how the Almighty Creator lock down the Center of Idol Worshiping country in the world, "Italy". They have been worshipping this fake name "Jesus" which you would never ever find this man-made name in the original Bible in Aramaic language. The Almighty Creator has created them from ejected semen and taught them how to talk and walk and blessed them with health, wealth, provisions, jobs, roof over their heads and protections yet, they are thanking that fake name made up by those illiterate preachers so they could mislead them in order to buy more mansions and airplanes. That is the same way the Almighty has been punishing those Idol Worshipping people in the Bible belt area in US with more than a 1000 tornados every single year plus hurricanes, floods and fires yet, the hearts and souls of the people have been raped and hypnotized by those illiterate preachers. "Nothing Bad happens to you if you follow the rules of our Creator, He is the best protector, No one has power but the Almighty Creator."

Corona virus COVID-19 for Godless nations. (3/12/2020)

"The Almighty Creator has created us from ejected semen and taught us how to talk and walk, blessed us with hearing, eyesight, and brain, blessed us with provisions, jobs, roof over our heads, plus health and protections to see if we are appreciative of His blessings or not. But, unfortunately we have been creating 4200 fake, false and man-made religions beside His only One Religion and everyday those rabbis, preachers and mullahs have been misleading people to become Idol Worshiper so we would worship and thank those dead prophets beside the Almighty Creator. All because they wanted to buy more mansions and airplanes. We are witnessing so many disasters coming down on us as the consequence of turning away from our Creator like this last one COVID-19 which has His mathematical sign stamped on it. "Nothing Bad happens to you if you follow the rules of our Creator, He is the best protector." The whole world became Godless. No one I mean No One ever said, ""Please God take away this Plague from us we will be return you again."

The Almighty forced you to follow His commands (3/17/2020)

"This is how The Almighty enforces His own Rules upon us in order for us to follow His commandments if you wish to be happy here, and in the life after here. He made you stop shaking hands, and that nonsense touching, hugging, and kissing each other with no reason at all. He is forcing you stop committing adulteries. He is forcing you stop drinking at bars and restaurants although you are still drinking and using drugs at home. He made prostitutes stop working and those exotic dancers. And MOST of all He made you stop going to those so called places of worship that those wicked rabbis, preachers, and mullahs made you worship those dead saints besides our Creator so they could rip you off instead of taking care of those homeless and needy people. So called Jews made the horrendous crime and took out the name of our Creator "Elohim" from the Torah and instead they are only following traditions, which you would never find them in the dead sea scrolls. So called Christians worship that fake name Jesus which you would never find that false name in the original Bible in Aramaic language, and so called Muslims put aside the Almighty's scripture for those satanic books, that is why they are suffering much more than the others. Yet our Loving Creator still allows us to eat His abundant provisions. The Almighty is the Best Enforcer and the Best Protector for those who worship Him Alone. "Nothing bad happens to you if you follow His laws."

The Almighty forced you to follow His commands (3/17/2020)

"This is how The Almighty enforces His own Rules upon us in order for us to follow His commandments if you wish to be happy here, and in the life after here. He made you stop shaking hands, and that nonsense touching, hugging, and kissing each other with no reason at all. He is forcing you stop committing adulteries. He is forcing you stop drinking at bars and restaurants although you are still drinking and using drugs at home. He made prostitutes stop working and those exotic dancers. And MOST of all He made you stop going to those so called places of worship that those wicked rabbis, preachers, and mullahs made you worship those dead saints besides our Creator so they could rip you off instead of taking care of those homeless and needy people. So called Jews made the horrendous crime and took out the name of our Creator "Elohim" from the Torah and instead they are only following traditions, which you would never find them in the dead sea scrolls. So called Christians worship that fake name Jesus which you would never find that false name in the original Bible in Aramaic language, and so called Muslims put aside the Almighty's scripture for those satanic books, that is why they are suffering much more than the others. Yet our Loving Creator still allows us to eat His abundant provisions. The Almighty is the Best Enforcer and the Best Protector for those who worship Him Alone. "Nothing bad happens to you if you follow His laws."

The Governor Newsom of California announced that schools maybe out for the whole summer time (3/18/2020)

"Again our schooling system is totally against the rules of the Almighty Creator. Our Creator wants us to teach our children how to Read, Write and Calculate. Yet we have been paralyzed by lawmakers who put women to work and media to spent T h o u s a n d s of Dollars for our children and put them in schools for T w e l v e Y e a r s, so they could face, drugs, homosexuality, being bullied, and a very little Educations and then at the end the Value of their Education is Equal to work at McDonald, and Pizza hot. . . Those successful people in our society are the ones who followed the Rules of their Creator and they became School Dropouts. Our children should have been with their parents to learn life educations and be Loved by their parents so they would not be brought up as bullies. Then later on the Almighty will show them which direction they should chose as He showed those older scientists, musicians, artists and so on. Happiness is following the Laws of our Creator."

Christ the redeemer statue (3/19/2020)

"This fake religion of Christianity is one of the reasons that we have brought down upon ourselves this punishment of COVID-19 by the will of the Almighty Creator, and other 4200 fake and man-made religions. This fake name "Jesus" that those illiterate preachers came up with in order to take away your money is not in the original Bible in Aramaic language, just Google it. Do Not let these wicked religious leader rape your heart and soul so they could buy more mansions and airplanes. All of these so called religious leaders made us worship dead saints who did not have any power even when they were alive. May the Almighty Creator save us from this Plague. The whole world became Godless, that is why No One I mean No One never ever said "God please help us with this COVID-19". The worst is on the way."

To Iranans regarding COVID-19 (3/19/2020)

Pope and his colleagues denounce that they are idolizing this fake name Jesus (3/20/2020)

"The only way these killings in Italy by COVID-19 could have been stopped is that if Pope and his colleagues denounce their idolization of this fake and man-made name 'Jesus' besides the Almighty Creator, which you would never find this false name in the original Bible in Aramaic language and also he should take off those Halloween costumes and take out those satanic verses which they have been injecting them into the Bible and give back people's money and just step aside and stop raping the hearts and souls of the people in order to mislead them. Then there would be NO Death. We have the scientifically proven evidence based on mathematics, the exact science to prove this fact in the court of law. Italians hate Pope and Vatican city that is why they are singing and playing music from their balconies instead of praying for their forgiveness and repentance and asking the Almighty to help them so He could take away this plague from them. Life and death belongs to the Almighty Creator."

Mayor Garcetti speech (3/22/2020)

"Dear Mr. Garcetti, we do not have time for poetry. You should encourage people to turn in to our Creator who created us from ejected semen. The one who blessed you with talent, job, provisions, roof over your head and protections therefore, you do not want to be unappreciative. I know people Hate religions and I do not blame them. Those wicked religious leaders have been misleading people and making them worship and idolize those dead saints and made up 4200 fake, false, and man-made religions in order to steal people's money so they could buy more mansions and airplanes. That is why majority of the people Hate religions and those so called religious people's hearts and souls have been raped by those illiterate preachers. Therefore, ask people to turn to their Creator and repent to Him and ask Him to take away this plague of COVID-19 which we have brought upon ourselves as the consequence of turning away from the Almighty Creator. Remember, life and death belongs to our Creator and He is the only one who could take it away from us. Just look at where it all started, China a Godless nation, then those 700 so called Chinese Muslims went to Iran in order to worship those made up dead saints. All because Iranians made up a religion which you would never find it the Quran. And then look at the center of Idol worshiping people in the world, Vatican in Italy, whom they are worshiping a fake name "Jesus" which you would never find this false name in the original Bible in Aramaic language. As we are all witnessing that Bible belt area in US is getting hit by the Angels of the Almighty with more than a 1000 tornadoes every single year plus floods, hurricanes, fires and so on yet no one cares. No One Has Power But, The Almighty Creator. Everything have been controlled by our Creator from the creation of man on earth until the end of this world and not by those so called governments. "Nothing Bad happens to you if you follow our Creator's laws."

LAUSD closed schools (3/23/2020)

"Dear Austin (LAUSD director), do not worry, we are so happy that our children are safe at home now and they are not facing drugs, being bullied, and learning homosexuality. Instead we are showing them Love at home with their parents and family. We spend 1000s of $s and after 12 YEARS our children can only work at Pizza Hut and McDonald. . . . we hope this ridicule forced education come down. The Almighty wants us only to teach them read, write, and basic calculations and let them learn life experience from their family instead of 100s of lowlife kids. Our Creator will show them what to do through their life like all of those successful people who dropped out from school and like all of those older scientists who never did go to any school."

We are not able to fight COVID-19 (3/23/2020)

"We are not able to fight COVID-19 or make it go away. We are not able to win this war against Corona virus. We are not able to protect ourselves, or heal ourselves yet, it all has to do with the will of the Loving Creator if He bless us and take this plague away from us, which we have brought down upon ourselves as the consequence of turning away from the Almighty Creator and being unappreciative of His blessings. That is why we have made up 4200 false, fake and man-made religions whom they only worship dead saints instead of the Almighty's only One Religion. The Almighty has created us from ejected semen, taught us how to walk, and talk and blessed us with provisions, jobs, roof over our heads, health, wealth and protections. And if we do not appreciate His blessings we only bring unhappiness and disasters upon ourselves like COVID-19. Remember, "Nothing Bad happens to you if you follow His Laws." "No one has power but the Almighty Creator." Do Not let these so called religious leaders and media rape your hearts and souls and mislead you. All of these Judaism, Christianity and Islam are fake and man-made. We have the scientifically proven evidence based on mathematics, the exact science to prove this facts in the court of law."

These churches are the cause of this plague COVID-19 (3/24/2020)

"Those illiterate preachers made up a fake name 'Jesus' which you would never ever find this fake name in the original Bible in Aramaic language. These religious leaders have been raping the hearts and the souls of the people in order to take away their money so they could buy mansions and airplanes so as other 4200 fake and manmade religions. These are the ones who have been misleading people all over the world in order to nullify the only one religion of the Almighty Creator. Just look at the center of idol worship nation in the world, the Vatican City, with so many deaths. This fake religion worship a fake name Jesus which you would never find this manmade name in the original Bible in Aramaic language. All because they want to take away your money. Yet idol worship in the Only Unforgivable Sin. Look at the Bible belt area the average Americans are getting hit by the Angels of the Almighty Creator, the drivers of the wind with more than a 1000 tornados every single year plus floods, fires, and hurricanes as the consequence of idolizing a name which never existed. That is why the whole world are suffering from COVID-19 as the consequence of turning away from our Creator."

Easter Sunday (3/25/2020)

"These churches are the cause of this plague COVID-19. Those illiterate preachers made up a fake name 'Jesus' which you would never ever find this fake name in the original Bible in Aramaic language. These religious leaders have been raping the hearts and the souls of the people in order to take away their money so they could buy mansions and airplanes so as other 4200 fake and manmade religions. These are the ones who have been misleading people all over the world in order to nullify the only one religion of the Almighty Creator. Just look at the center of idol worship nation in the world, the Vatican City, with so many deaths. Look at the Bible belt area they are getting hit by the Angels of the Almighty Creator with more than 1000 tornados every single year plus floods, fires, and hurricanes as the consequence of idolizing a name which never existed."

Here is the cure for COVI-19 (3/29/2020)

"HERE IS THE CURE FOR THIS PLAGUE (COVID-19). The Almighty Creator created this earth and seven universes from nothing. Yet, those governments in the whole world and their medias made us to become atheists. And those so called religious leaders made up 4200 fake and false religions in order to mislead us so they could steal our money by making us worship and idolize those dead saints besides the Almighty Creator, and one of them even made up that fake name Jesus, which you would not find it in any original Scripture. That is why the Almighty blessed us and kicked us out of those places of idolatry. As the Almighty commanded all of us in His Scripture all we have to say is: "OUR LORD, RELIEVE THIS RETRIBUTION (COVID-19) FOR US; WE ARE BELIEVERS." Instead of those nonsense singing, dancing and playing music at your windows and on balconies. Then, The Almighty responds, "WE Will Relieve The Retribution (COVID-19) For Awhile." We have the scientifically proven evidence to prove this fact in the Court of Law with 1500 pages of computer printout based on mathematics, the exact science."

Corona virus go back in time (4/01/2020)

"Just imagine if all the governments in the world would announce that from tomorrow we all should go back in time and live like we used to live 100 years ago! No one would have followed such an order, because we have entered all kinds of vice and wicked behavior into our societies and media paralyzed and brain washed us with those. Yet, the Almighty Creator made the whole world kneel down and we are not able to do anything but, just sit at home. . . This is how we used to live before, which is much closer to the rules of our Creator according to His scriptures. The Almighty hates these 4200 fake and false religions that we made up. That is why He blessed us and kicked us all out of those places of idol worship. Do not let media and those synagogues, churches, and mosques rape your hearts and souls. Turn to your only One Creator and repent to Him and ask for His forgiveness then you would find Him Forgiver and Merciful. Our Creator is the only one who can help you. You must know that in our era there are just a few people on earth who have been kept their distance from hypocrite, transgressor, idolizer, Godless people in order to worship the Almighty Alone. Those are the ones who have earned the High Heaven. Happiness is submission to the laws of our Creator."

ALLAH has the Vaccine for Covid-19 (4/02/2020)

"The Almighty Creator has the "Vaccine for COVID-19" but, not for those Godless nations. Yet, He is the all Gracious and the all Merciful so, if you repent to Him and ask for His forgiveness and become a true believer, your Creator who created you from ejected semen will forgive you and protect you. Remember the Almighty assigned two invisible bodyguards to you 24/7 in order to protect you. Just make sure get out of those idol worshiping synagogues, churches, mosques and other 4200 fake religions who made you idolize those dead saints so they could steal your money. Those are the ones who caused this plague of "COVID-19" come down from the Almighty Creator as the punishment to Godless nations. Do not let these fake religions rape your hearts and souls for just a few $s."

Covid-19 Godless nations (4/03/2020)

"Our Godless nation never said, "God help us and take away this plague from us", so as other Godless nations around the world. As you see we deserve this Virus COVID-19 as the consequence of turning away from the Almighty Creator. And all of those 4200 fake and false religious leaders have been shut up because, they have been stuck in their illiteracy and have no idea about the system of the Almighty Creator. They are all after your money."

Covid-19 Godless nations (4/03/2020)

"Our Godless nation never said, "God help us and take away this plague from us", so as other Godless nations around the world. As you see we deserve this Virus COVID-19 as the consequence of turning away from the Almighty Creator. And all of those 4200 fake and false religious leaders have been shut up because, they have been stuck in their illiteracy and have no idea about the system of the Almighty Creator. They are all after your money."

Unemployment on Covid-19 (4/04/2020)

"This is how the Almighty Creator shows us that He is the one who gave us jobs so we could enjoy His provisions and have a roof over our heads. But when we become unappreciative of His blessings and turn away from Him He takes them all away from us with a plague COVID-19 then we become completely paralyzed as the consequence of our wickedness. The Almighty is the only one who can take away this disaster from us. Also make sure get out of those so called places of worship where those illiterate religious leaders misled us and made us idolize and worship dead saints. And do not let media rape your heart and soul because media has forbidden people to use the name of our Creator."

Easter Sunday (4/03/2020)

"This plague of COVID-19 is a warning and punishment for the Godless nations all around the world as the consequence of turning away from the Almighty Creator. We made up 4200 fake religions from our ONLY ONE CREATOR! Those illiterate religious leaders made us worship and idolize those dead saints in order to mislead us so they could steal our money. One even came up with a fake name Jesus, which you would never find this man-made name in any original scripture. Yet his name was "E-saw" son of Maryam and he never did crucified! "Easter Sunday" was made up by those wicked preachers which you would never find this made up custom in the Bible. Although the Almighty has been sending many disasters by His Angels every single year on the Bible belt area but, they never take head. Do not let Godless media rape your heart and soul. Media has forbidden people to use the name of our Creator. Also do not let those misled religious leaders paralyze you with their own conjectures and those ridicules Halloween costumes. The ONLY ONE WHO can help us is the Almighty Creator who created us from ejected semen. We have the scientifically proven evidence based on mathematics to prove these facts in the Court of Law."

Easter Sunda (4/05/2020)

"This plague of COVID-19 is a warning and punishment for the Godless nations all around the world as the consequence of turning away from the Almighty Creator. We made up 4200 fake religions from our ONLY ONE CREATOR! Those illiterate religious leaders made us worship and idolize those dead saints in order to mislead us so they could steal our money. One even came up with a fake name Jesus, which you would never find this man-made name in any original scripture. Yet his name was "E-saw" son of Maryam and he never did crucified! "Easter Sunday" was made up by those wicked preachers which you would never find this made up custom in the Bible. Although the Almighty has been sending many disasters by His Angels every single year on the Bible belt area but, they never take head. Do not let Godless media rape your heart and soul. Media has forbidden people to use the name of our Creator. Also do not let those misled religious leaders paralyze you with their own conjectures and those ridicules Halloween costumes. The ONLY ONE WHO can help us is the Almighty Creator who created us from ejected semen. We have the scientifically proven evidence based on mathematics to prove these facts in the Court of Law."

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*You want to live a life in a different key, otherwise you are just wasting your time*

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

"Submit to the Covenant of ALLAH with Descendents who would be Transported by ALLAH from the time of Awedam to the end of this world"

Fasting 2020 in US

The first day of Ramadan is on 4/23/2020

The last day of Ramadan is on 5/22/2020

Please watch this video of President Trump (4/10/2020)

* Idol Worship Is An Unforgivable Sin *

There was never ever this fake name Jesus in the original "Enjeel" in Aramaic language. Those illiterate preachers wrote their own version of "Enjeel" 200 years after "E-Saw" son of Maryam. There is no history after "E-Saw" son of Maryam for 200 years about him and "Enjeel". "E-Saw" son of Maryam never did crucified.

Thou shall have no other gods before Me. Idolatry is one of Judaism's three "Cardinal Sins" regarding which an individual is required to give up their life rather than violate.

According to the Enjeel:

Bible, Romans 1:25 "Because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever".

Matthew 4:8-10 "'You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.'"

1 Corinthians 10:14 "Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. those who pay regard to worthless idols, but I trust in the Lord."

Leviticus 19:4 "Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves any god: I am the Lord your God. So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols: We know that "An idol is nothing at all in the world" and that "There is no God but one."

1Corinthians 8:4. Isaiah 44:10 "Who take an idol, which can profit nothing? ... Who but a fool would make his own god--an idol that cannot help him one bit? ...

Deuteronomy 27:15 "Cursed is anyone who makes an idol--a thing ... "Cursed is anyone who makes an idol--a thing detestable to the LORD, the work of skilled ... 'Cursed is anyone who carves or casts an idol and secretly sets it up..."

Ezekiel 23:49 "They will repay you for your obscene conduct, and you will be punished for idol worship. Then you will know that I am the sovereign ..."

Zechariah 13:2 "On that day, I will banish the names of the idols ... "And on that day," says the LORD of Heaven's Armies, "I will erase idol worship throughout the land, so that even the names of the idols will be forgotten. ..."

Psalm 24:4 "... has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by ... Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tell ... They will repay you for your obscene conduct, and you will be punished for idol worship. Then you will know that I am the sovereign ..."

Zechariah 13:2 "On that day, I will banish the names of the idols ... "And on that day," says the LORD of Heaven's Armies, "I will erase idol worship throughout the land, so that even the names of the idols will be forgotten. ..."

That is why we deserve "COVID-19"

Now we have the scientifically proven evidence based on mathematics, the exact science to prove these facts in the court of law

Thank ALLAH for making me strive in His cause while the others have been sitting on their rear ends and hiding behind walls.

Remember please,

"We Do Not Believe In god Or Any Of Those Made Up Names Yet, We Only Believe In ALLAH"

*You want to live a life in a different key, otherwise you are just wasting your time*

*We are the only "ALLAH's Activist" in the world*

Thank ALLAH for guiding us to His right path and His Only One Religion. Thank ALLAH for blessing us with all of these "Knowledge" and "Hikmah"

For any questions please place them on these videos

Religion Whistleblower

P.O. Box. 251902 Los Angeles, CA 90025